Sunday, November 23, 2003


my weekend.  it was so v good.  the ride on thursday was great, i had so much fun with Mrs. Fink.  then i hung out @ YU-town, and i have to say - i'm pretty pissed off about the way i've been treated buyt this school.  sorry to interrupt all the happiness with a mini-rant, but i'm tired of a certain dean treating me how she likes somply because she's in the mood, even when it totally flies in the face of school policy.

so i hung out in the library for bit, which was nice - i've missed 5a, my old stomping grounds.  then i met up with a friend, and we wandered off to watch boondock, but stopped in all of the excitement of meredith coming over.  then we randomly stayed up til 3, when we stopped being up.  ah.  friday i slept straight through my wake up call, then woke up and promptly thought "huh, i dimly recall hearing a phone ring...  somewhere."  then i bought stuff and cooked stuff, some of it all the way to being edible, and setup for shabbat dinner and my lovely 'guest-ies' (considering i was staying @ someone else's apt, and all).  we were up til 1 am, eating yummy scranton-made dessert and gummi fish/cherries.  then sleep.  in fact, i slept so nicely that i missed leining.  whoops.  got there in time for the last pasuk.  <bad dani!>

then my friend and i ran away for lunch at other friends of mine, and we had a v fun time.  and won @ trivial pursuit, with a little communal cheating at the end ("oh, look, you rolled a 3.  go for the wedge.  just go for it, dammit!").  yay smartness.  we actually hung out til after havdalla, which was v fun(ny).  i always have a good time when i go to visit them.

saturday night we decided that we absolutely had to eat strawberries and whipped cream.  i can not tell you of the over-indulgence, it was sickening.  let me just say that afterwards, we managed to consume popcorn, pizza, and french fries.  and within the hour, i was back in bed.  yes, i think i do have a death wish, why do you ask?

and today was just crazy.  i checked out an apt that looks great, really sweet/frum/normal/cool girls (define that how you like, i doubt it will agree with my definitions, mostly cause i feel like being oppositional right now).

i ended up having to leave NY today instead of staying through tomorrow.  stupid rides and situations and other badness.  but i'll be back on weds for a macy's day parade balloon blowing party.  yay yay.  and then a football game, and the se'udah (did i really just call it the se'udah?), and then...  who knows?  <evil laughter>

MUST TO SLEEP.  gnight

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