Tuesday, November 11, 2003

gah (4 am)

this was supposed  be an early night.  it seriously was.  farking eddie.  : )  there is nothing as good as talking to a good friend on the phone late at night and catching up on stuffy-stuff.  also known as stoofy-stoof, by only by a special few, mostly living in connecticut.

rena (sichel) rosen had a baby boy!  mazal tov!  he's v cute (i went to see him on sunday), with a major shock of black hair.  yay yay.

i like bamba.  i think it's an israeli kid genetic flaw - eat enough of them as you're teething, and you're hooked for life.  how that's genetic is beyond me, but hey, i can make things up.  it's my blog.

my life for the next few months:

9    10    11     12    13    14   15   penn

16   17     18    19    20    21   22   heights?

23   24     25    26    27    28   29   thanksgiving

30    1      2       3     4      5     6    heights/play

 7     8      9     10    11    12   13    scranton

14   15    16     17    18    19   20   israel

21   22    23     24    25    26   27   israel

28   29    30     31      1     2     3   israel

 4     5      6       7      8     9    10  scranton

11   12    13     14    15    16   17  scranton

18   19    20     21    22    23   24  new york!!!!

i'm too excited about being alive to sleep.


  1. 1. a reader left...
    Tuesday, 11 November 2003 8:21 am
    Hurray for us descending on UPenn like a swarm of teething locusts.
    Rena nee Sichel Rosen . . . sister of Dan?

  2. 2. Dani Weiss left...
    Tuesday, 11 November 2003 9:50 am
    precisely. much like ilan of the funny blog is tali cohen's little brother. you gotta love the connecticut family. nothing up yet about the rosenbaums or ashkenazes, or even the shapiros, but give it time... : )
