Wednesday, November 10, 2004

maybe i missed it

SYDNEY, Australia -- Swinburne University of Technology's center for micro-photonics have constructed a model of the Sydney Opera House, see photo above, that is about half the diameter of a human hair. It is more than a million times smaller than the real Sydney structure. The model was built from a hybrid material of glass and polymer by firing intense laser light into the matter in a liquid state to create what to the human eye appears as an almost imperceptible dot, but under an electron microscope it contains the detail and the beauty of the iconic Sydney harbour side structure. (07/23/04 AP-Swinburne University)

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'FP' posted on the Wed 10 Nov 2004, 8:52 pm
    Damn, someone got bored in the electronics lab.
    Did I ever tell you about the time my friends and I slid down the SOH? Remind me sometime. Funny funny day.
