Wednesday, February 11, 2004

soc research exercise # 1

assignment: relationship, independent and dependent variables (with attributes), why i expect a relationship.  ready?  comment away, please, let me know what flaws you see

The rate of alcoholism is higher among adults who began consuming alcohol regularly as minors (under the legal drinking age); the younger the age, the higher the likelihood.


Age at which consistent drinking began (17, 16, 15, etc, or after legal drinking age; consistent drinking defined as 3 or more shots of heavy alcohol or 3 or more beers per week)


Alcoholic record (none or at least one alcohol related arrest after the legal drinking age)


Minors who consume alcohol regularly are used to breaking the law in regard to alcohol, thus building a dependency upon alcohol in a framework which is frowned on by society.  One who begins drinking while a minor – and is therefore not mature enough to make responsible decisions regarding alcohol – will be more accustomed to regular use of alcohol as an adult than one who begins drinking after the legal age.  These factors combine to create an unhealthy association with alcohol, a pattern of behavior which can become linked to alcohol consumption in general for the individual.  This would be reflected in adult life by alcohol related arrests, an observable factor of alcoholism.


wish me luck, going to hand this baby in...

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