Tuesday, January 20, 2004

me, job

ive been craiglisting applying for every job that looks somewhat like i can maybe do it.  i hate jobs.  the thing is, im totally flexible bc i dont have a school schedule yet, so i can work all day and school at night or school in the morning and work all day IF SOMEONE WOULD JUST GIVE ME A JOB.  poo-ness.  <sad dani>


in other news, that sad dani was a total lie cause i'm really happy.  *grin*


  1. 1. a reader left...
    Tuesday, 20 January 2004 4:58 pm
    Can't offer a job, but can buy you pizza tonight. Will call soon.

  2. 2. Jessica left...
    Tuesday, 20 January 2004 8:39 pm
    Move to L.A. and I'll get you a job! I need a roomate!
