Wednesday, October 15, 2003

all day i dream about

have you ever driven behind a truck?  you know how disconcerting it is, right?  you can't see the road, you can't see traffic lights, you have to follow the guy and pray you do'nt get hit - eother stay back and go waaay slow, or kep up with him and hope he doesn't brake too suddenly.

i was driving behind a truck today.  he suddenly braked.  and went to turn.  so i kept going for a moment, then realized he was going to need all of the space on the road to turn.  i let him finish and go (just doing my civic duty).  ten i saw why he was braking suddenly.

there was a tree down, straight across harrison avenue.  a huge huge tree,which those of you who have been to scranton can picture.  it got knocked over by the windstorms.  i think that beats bronsteins sukkah story.

i made it home safely, but now i'm convinced that my attic is going to rip off and fly away.

also - apologies to those of you who have been trying to access the blog and couldn't.  they just moved to a new server, and are doing random patchy maintenance things, so for the next few days, i may be on and off.  stick with me, it'll all be better next week.

go sox!

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