Saturday, May 24, 2003

things that make you go


it's been an interesting week. first off, i'd like to note, this is the first time publishing to my blog from a mac. yay macs!

wednesday night i was invited to a graduation party of sorts at my friends' apartment. aizeh kef! in the middle of all this, i got a voice mail from my sister, simply stating "call me back!". and call back i did, repeatedly, fighting the evil busy signal gods. finally i gave up and called my mother's cell phone (a big no no in the hospital).

"Hi, Ima? What's the news?"

"Hold on one second..." (sound of phones shuffling)

(sister's voice, somwhat tired) " Hi, honey. It's a boy."

a masculine child! let the happy dancing commence! after being told by some drunk boy that i am now an uncle, i proposed a l'chaim to the new little man who would be occupying space in my heart. he's v cute, and he looks familiar without looking like any of us, in particular. good job being an original, my man! the brit is on thursday morning, 8:15 in scranton. and as long as we're discussing the day he was born, i'd like to point out that it was my father's 55th birthday, and i want him to know now (you listening abba?) I WILL NEVER BEAT THIS. do not get your hopes up. this is the best present you will ever get from any of us, and nothing i can do will compare. so i'm not even going to try. happy wonderful beautiful birthday.

so, delightful little children are filling up my sister's home, and if someone would like to donate money to the cause, i should be buying them gifties. : ) oh, well, they'll have to settle for massive hugs instead.

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