Monday, December 8, 2003


i'm in this frustrating bubble of not working and not being in school right now, for the next fwe weeks, and each day starts running into the next.  not doing anything all the time is the fastest way to get grumpy, i think.  i'm actually looking forward to being in scranton tomorrow because i'll have something to do all day.  oy.  but time will start flying again soon.  today just dragged on and on, and my inertia-inspired laziness doesn't help matters.

tomorrow's tuesday.  what have you accomplished this week?  between tomorrow and friday, i plan on finishing with stuff for college, getting my house ready for guests, helping my sister get ready for a big shabbat, starting to organize myself for the trip to israel, and start to organize my stuff and thoughts for the move back to NY upon my return from the Holy land.

wow.  it's all really happening so fast, but within the minute to minute stuff, it can seem to take forever.  and my mouth is bleeding.  again.  ra, ok, best way to fix that is probably to drink hawaiin punch or some such...

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