Thursday, February 10, 2005

kash alert

yet again, people are taking products that shouldn't be problematic and making them problematic:

Grapple, the new grape-flavored apple, is not kosher.  this flavored fruit is produced by soaking an apple in non-kosher concord grape juice and then refrigerating it for five days.  Grapple has been found in frum (Kosher) stores.


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Thu 10 Feb 2005, 3:12 pm
    People are (sigh) idiots.

  2. 2. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Thu 10 Feb 2005, 5:09 pm
    mostly idiots for not catching the connection between grapple and grappa, a vodka like distillation made from grapes. or, you know, grapple = grape + apple.

  3. 3. 'Aylana' posted on the Fri 11 Feb 2005, 12:24 am
    Why exactly would you by an apple that tastes like a grape? Not that that's the main issue here, but I confess I'm mystified.

  4. 4. 'A visitor' posted on the Fri 11 Feb 2005, 9:29 am
    Dani, at first blush I didn’t catch the nature of your gripe. I just thought the whole thing was stupid because it means people aren’t checking for heksherim before purchasing processed/packaged foods. At last check, the onus for our (our=klal Yisroel) personal kashrus isn’t on storeowners, it’s on us to ensure that we’re purchasing kosher goods from the storeowner. (I.e., checking labels, making sure a restaurant we’re eating in for the first time has a reliable heksher.) Lazy people piss me off.
    BTW, I never before considered the actual nature of your complaint--taking things that ought to be kosher and then making them non-kohser--it's a very good point.

  5. 5. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Fri 11 Feb 2005, 9:43 am
    the funniest part is that the same people who would buy this in a Kosher store without a second thought will email in all kinds of Shailos about OU certified products that have grape flavors in them, not realizing that our grape flavors are mevushal and therefore Kosher.
    someone needs to start teaching practical kashrut to people on the street who have NO clue what they're doing or why.

  6. 6. 'A visitor' posted on the Sun 13 Feb 2005, 1:13 pm
    "someone needs to start teaching practical kashrut to people on the street who have NO clue what they're doing or why."
    There's a reason why, when I was in charge of Brandeis’s Kosher dining facility, I only wanted to hire ba’alei teshuva to work as mashgichim. Generally speaking, ba’alei teshuva know the halakhos of kashrus because they _had_ to learn it for themselves, while FFBs will think something is correct/incorrect because “that’s the way my mother does it.” One of the many educational flaws that, IMO, day schools need to remedy.
