Tuesday, June 21, 2005

oh said fred

in an effort to get healthier, i've been on the south beach diet.  i made a yummy grilled cheese sandwich, snacked on apple and peanut butter, etc.

i'm so tired - now that my hip's been bothering me, i've been having ahrd time sleeping.  it seems that no mantter whaty position i try, i'm putting stress on the joint.  did you ever feel like a joint needs to be cracked, or get your finger jammed?  that's how my hip feels.  it's driving my crazy.  yesterday i skipped my vicodin for the day because i don't want to have my body get used to it.  i also wanted to see what my pain levels were at, which you cajn't do on meds.  etc.

my doctor was discussing ways of getting around the pain, but that's not the bottom line for me - for me it's fixing the problem.  while the pain is unpleasant, i'd rather experience it and know something's wrong so it can be fixed.  i don't like the idea of blocking pain as an answer.  i try not to take anything when i have a headache (unless i get a migraine and can't function, in which case i take excedrin migraine and go to sleep in hopes it will be gone when i wake up).

but this is beyond.  i have this constant tug of war lately between wanting to be able  to get around and knowing that pain is my body's way of telling me when to stop.

too much.  i'm going to have some PB.

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'Marti Joy Davidson Sichel' posted on the Tue 21 Jun 2005, 4:54 pm
    That need-to-crack-but-can't sensation? That was my lower back for about 2 years, starting from injury #1 through to about 6 months ago when I started doing hardcore chiropractic/PT work 3 times a week. After a few months of that it went bye-bye, but still shows up in the morning most days. You should try to find what stretches will loosen all the muscles in that area and do it religiously for a couple of months.
