Sunday, December 5, 2004

oh, hads

at hadar's party last night, as i was leaving, i went to kiss him goodbye.  some girl behind me says, really angry, "who IS that girl?"  some other girl replies "oh, just his sister."

hahaha - stupid hos, my brother doesn't like slutty girls!

other than that it was fine, beyond the odd person puking in the taxi (really, so gross).  i got to play with davises and tamar's awesome roommate devora, tali, naomi, and i met the prettiest, funniest girl named malki who should marry hadar tomorrow.

lala, i'm out.
oh - the ankle's still sore, but i'll live.


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Sun 5 Dec 2004, 6:11 pm
    I loooove how the tichel and husband didn't tip them off that you're (gasp) married.

  2. 2. 'Aylana' posted on the Mon 6 Dec 2004, 5:11 am
    you should have seen josh lookstein's face the first time he saw me and hadar walking down ben yehuda last year... and the interns at the J Post thought we made the cutest couple ("please, merav, don't ever say that again" "what?")... sometimes i wonder if people ever think he's dating girls he isn't related to. silly people.
    who's this malki? :-D

  3. 3. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Mon 6 Dec 2004, 11:52 am
    1. i was wearing a hat, as were a few other (single) people
    2. my "I'm married, back off" t-shirt was in the laundry, so it was hard to tell by just looking at me that i'm married

  4. 4. 'A visitor' posted on the Mon 6 Dec 2004, 9:30 pm
    Aylana, that's terrifying. You and Hadar have *exactly* the same face.

  5. 5. 'Aylana' posted on the Tue 7 Dec 2004, 10:08 am
    I beg to differ.

  6. 6. 'ilan' posted on the Tue 7 Dec 2004, 11:18 am
    I beg to differ as well. If they had exactly the same face, then one would be pretty weird looking while the other was using said face, and I've seen them both together, and they were pretty normal-looking. In a good way, I mean.

  7. 7. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Tue 7 Dec 2004, 11:53 am
    i beg to differ as well. hadar looks most like our cousin andrea, who is not related to aylana at all. you're just confused because you haven't seen the whole family together ever. we all look alike.

  8. 8. 'Aylana' posted on the Tue 7 Dec 2004, 2:10 pm
    The smart ones anyway.
