Thursday, July 28, 2005

i just woke up

i finally caved and bought reading glasses to stop my eye from making me crazy(er)

we (the royal bronstein we) decided that if i had a tv show with an unlimited budget, it would basically be david letterman's show.  which may explain why i had that dream in high school where we met and got married.

ok, that sounds lame.  he dream was cool.  i randomly got invited to some party, and i was hearing this pink gown and there was champagne and dancing and madness, and i got totally bored.  so i wandered away from the main room, and found a dark room where some guy was watching football and smoking a cigar.  so i sat down and watched the game with him and we talked, and when the game was over and he turned on the light, it was david letterman.  etc, we got married.  the end.

in a different dream i was adopted by michael jordan.  MJ!  speaking of, i used to be a huge Bulls fan (my graduation present was a surprise drive into chicago, from pennsylvania, with my father and my siblings, to see a Bulls game).  i was very into dennis rodman (bought and read 'bad as i want to be').  he was disgustingly talented.  it's a shame he'll mostly be remembered for VH1 worstly dressed when he showed up as his own bride.  hee.

whatever happened to the Tsunami Relief Fund?  did america decide the crisis was over?


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Thu 28 Jul 2005, 11:41 am
    Actually in WalMart this past week I saw stickers at the registers that you could buy for your car or whatever that said "Tsunami Relief Fund" on them. They were either $1 or $2.

  2. 2. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Thu 28 Jul 2005, 12:22 pm
    glad to hear it. : )
