Friday, September 3, 2004

r' jungreis

Following the heart string pulling tale of "i'm a child of the holocaust", she states "How different the world might have been if a man like President George W. Bush had been at the helm in those days of darkness. "

is it just me, or did she say that the Bush is a better man than FDR?  she's talking morality, not policy.

she continues, "Following 9/11 it was President Bush's valor and commitment to do battle against the forces of terror and evil that has ensured the safety and security of our nation."

um, yeah, they hit NYC and DC.  he got pissed.  why does that mean he'd have cared about a bunch of Jews in Europe?  (as avraham says, i can't see how invading iraq in 1938 would have helped very much.)

"More than HOPE, our president is determined to TRIUMPH over evil, and continues to labor, not only for a secure safe world, but for an America in which timeless values prevail"

ahhhhhhhhh.  right.  i forgot.  FDR wanted EVIL to triumph.

/was stuck on 34th street for an hour last night waiting for bush to drive by.  stupid republicans.


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Fri 3 Sep 2004, 12:25 pm
    Look Jungreiss is probably-a Republican beneficiary. Her late husband had a nice politico job Jewish Chaplain to Nassau County Cops-during the time when Nassau was as Republican machine as Chicago was part of Democratic machine during Daly time.

  2. 2. 'A visitor' posted on the Fri 3 Sep 2004, 12:26 pm
    um, yeah, they hit NYC and DC. he got pissed. why does that mean he'd have cared about a bunch of Jews in Europe? (as avraham says, i can't see how invading iraq in 1938 would have helped very much.)
    Agree with you both.

  3. 3. 'A visitor' posted on the Fri 3 Sep 2004, 1:11 pm
    She's right about the world being different if Dubya had been president in 1938.
    It would have gone to hell a lot faster.
    Following 9/11 it was President Bush's valor and commitment to do battle against the forces of terror and evil that has ensured the safety and security of our nation
    Ensured? NYC is constantly on a terror alert and every day in the news we hear about the dangers that are coming. Is this woman for real?

  4. 4. 'mslatfatf' posted on the Sun 5 Sep 2004, 12:32 am
    What should she have said? If you were in that position you probably would have said something very similar.

  5. 5. 'A visitor' posted on the Sun 5 Sep 2004, 2:05 am
    no, i'm not a tool for a propaganda machine.
    the only entity i allign my faith in absolutely is God.
