Tuesday, April 27, 2004

title goes here

hi.  my name is dani.  this is my blog.

you're welcome and invited to come, read, play, and comment.

you can even make fun of me a bit.  but please, be gentle.  i'mkinda sensitive, and when i get annoyed, i get vindictive.

for all those who have apparently typed perfectly their entire lives - bite me.  i don't type well when i'm typing fast, and i don't like to go back and edit a post after it's up (although i sometimes run-through before i put it up to make sure it's mostly english).

also - as a general rule, if you're bugging a friend of mine, i'm not going to be happy with you.  it's totally cool to leave messages for my friends (i do it all the time), but don't annoy them.

i think that's it for my list of stuff.   keep voting - shleppy's fate hangs in the balance...  : )

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Wed 28 Apr 2004, 8:47 pm
    It's 7:38pm on Wednesday, I'm on 5 working on my plea bargain . . . hint hint.
