Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Most Influential

I hate this trend of most influential lists and 36 Under 36. First off, and not to knock anyone on the list, some of the people singled out by the Jewish Week don't seem to be doing anything particularly unique. I'm a bit confused about why their profiles were listed for all to see and I kind of want my time back after reading them.

Influence and success, like beauty, are very much in the eye of the beholder. Influence in particular is a question of happenstance - did you talk to one of the thousands of people who follow someone's Twitter feed? Did you hear about someone from their proud grandmother? It's a little unclear how these lists are assessed.

I keep joking about making my own list, but in all seriousness, I have some really awesome friends (and one awesome spouse-friend, as well). Some have been honored publicly, some haven't, but many are deserving of recognition. In fact, the one thing that's held me back from creating a list is how absurdly long it would be - my feminist friends kicking down doors in the dati world, my inventive husband who dared to include UN ambassadors at Friday night dinners in the Hamptons, my friend Josh who tweets his very absolutist take on life and Judaism, the VERY MANY mothers and fathers out there critically thinking and introducing fantastic bits of life to their offspring (and sharing it with the rest of us), the friends who have gone for graduate degrees and beyond, building careers I'm frankly envious of...

So, yes - single out Jason Lieberman. He was dealt a hand I would not have handled with such grace and humor, and he is dedicated to raising awareness of disabilities in communities across the country. He stands head and shoulders above most (although not literally, even with his crutches). He does what few out there can or would do, and I know that to Jason the great benefit of being singled out is not what it will do to his Klout number, but that it fits with his ultimate goal of raising awareness.

Congratulation to Jason on his honor - he is representative of the many amazing friends I have accumulated over the years, and I'm glad the larger world now knows about his life's work.

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