Thursday, January 18, 2007

it seems

that i no longer sleep.  not that i don't get tired - i do.  i wear out.  but i do'nt get sleepy anymore, so no matte how long i lie down in bed, i'm just wide awake and semi-tortured.  every minute detail of anything that has to get accomplished spins in my head.  i plan out the lists i'll write, whether they'll be on the same paper or separate papers, the categories i'll sort the lists by...  i recite the page numbers in the texts i have to read for school, think about the written assignments that have to get done.  then i watch avraham sleep and wish i could also knock out.  thenk God gus sleeps through the night.

it's 4:40 am.  i've been up since 8 am yesterday and may be up straight through til after dinner tonight.  will that mean i can sleep?  i wonder.

time to do a crossword


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Sat 20 Jan 2007, 8:04 pm
    i have the same problem - thank G-d its gotten better recently - but heres my unsolicited advice, which i hope you are able to follow:
    - any bit of time during the day that you have to think - use it. then it wont happen at night
    - tell yourself that your bed is for sleeping and start thinking about your breathing. nothing but your breathing.
    - ask G-d to help - seriously
    good luck - its a beautiful time of life when we're so active - thin kof the little old ladies who couldnt accomlish things on lists if they wanted to - but i hope you sleep, and me too.

  2. 2. 'A visitor' posted on the Sun 25 Feb 2007, 12:15 am
    Cool blog...
