Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dark Red Sentra from Connecticut

If you were the woman who was driving that dark red car, I have this to say to you -

the road does not belong to you.  When there is a stopped vehicle in front of the people in the right lane and they move to switch to the left lane to get around it, you should keep driving at the same speed you were beforehand.  Speeding up to block them off at the last second, thereby ensuring that they will have to come to a very hard stop 2 feet from the back of the non-moving bus (assuming evereyone's brakes are as good as ours, otherwise the car would have stopped *in* the bus) is not just an asshole move, but ridiculously dangerous.  And not just for the people who you cut off - when the choice is between the non-moving very big bus in front  of us and your little car, where do you think we'd rather take the impact?  Slamming on yoru brakes at the last second and honking at us as if you had the intention to let us in all along does not change the fact that you almost killed us.

So thank you for letting us know that some people would rather speed down a city street to cut us off when we're way ahead of you than just let traffic move.  Thank you for almost killing us this morning, and thank you for acting like we did something wrong.  I hope you hit a tree.

And on a serious note, thank GOD Avraham is a good driver.


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Wed 17 May 2006, 1:02 pm
    Damn Connecticut drivers. As a PA driver I'm frequently dumbfounded by the lack of consideration among the nutmeggers. Bunch of jerks!

  2. 2. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Thu 18 May 2006, 8:21 am
    Avraham says: And to think, we'd almost made it down from Riverdale to the upper west side *without* someone actively trying to kill us...
