Tuesday, November 30, 2004


picture this:  Friday afternoon, we're all in a rush.  my mother asks me to get somehting for her from the closet.  the cleaning lady is standing between me and the closet.  i move towards her, and she sticks her butt out so i can't pass by.  we dont get along, so to avoid conversation with her as i usually do, i simply step past her.  apparently it was too far a step.  somehitng went pop in my mid-calf.

as per my usual, i ignored it as it progressively got worse, to the point that i was seriously limping on sunday.  on monday i tried to go to work, but i simply couldn't walk.  i tried to work from the library.  i finally gave in and went to consult a PA, who told me i stretched my tendon (the one next to the achilles), but probably didn't tear it.  to recoup, i need to elevate it, ice it, and inhale motrin.  until then, i'm a limpaholic.  like it takes me 10 minutes to go 2 blocks.

so my ankle's swollen and hurting, my mid calf feels like someone is ripping it open with a hot blunt object, my foot is cramping, and i'm spending all day bored on the couch with my leg elevated, because any other position strecthes my calf so much that i'm not gaining anything by elevating it.

i'm bored, i'm in pain, i have no computer here all day (hence my online absence).  and best of all, when i told my mom i have tendonitis, she said "you didn't tell me it hurt that much on Shabbat!".  i said "i did, but you thought i was exagerrating."  back and forth for a bit til i end with  "really, you just weren't listening."

got off the phone before i could get yelled at again for not seeing a doctor sooner.  cause if this isn't better within the next few days, it might be more serious than we thought.  crap-a-doody.  i'm SO not in the mood.

so here's hoping i can walk enough to go to work tomorrow, cause i'm going NUTS.


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Wed 1 Dec 2004, 12:11 am
    Sorry to randomly log off IM. Got booted. If you want me to pick you up anything (food, amusement) and bring it to your apartment when I get home from work tomorrow, give me a call and lemme know.

  2. 2. 'cynica' posted on the Wed 1 Dec 2004, 5:53 am
    sounds totally familiar. feel your pain except i couldn't get time off work so i had to hobble around the office. by 12.30 i was being called igor! rats!
    hope you get well soon:)
    Visit me @ http://cynica.blog-city.com

  3. 3. 'A visitor' posted on the Wed 1 Dec 2004, 12:34 pm
    Get well soon, Refua Shelamuh
