Thursday, November 4, 2004

from today's NY times

"Republican leaders were promising to renew efforts to pass bills that Democrats had blocked, like one permitting drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge"

please, people, i beg of you.  do not let this happen.  these are preserves.  it will take about 5 years of drilling to produce the oil, and the estimates say that tere's only enough oil there to supply 6 months of consumption.

do not let them destroy the refuge!


  1. 1. 'Pimme' posted on the Thu 4 Nov 2004, 2:22 pm
    The time for activism is now! On all issues of endangerment, involving nature AND our rights as Americans!
    Visit me @

  2. 2. 'A visitor' posted on the Thu 4 Nov 2004, 4:57 pm
    This is ridiculous. The overwhelming majority of Alaskans want drilling. It should be up to them. If they don't care about the area being drilled, people who never have been and never will go to Alaska should mind their own business.

  3. 3. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Thu 4 Nov 2004, 5:39 pm
    so if the majority of ppl were to support genocide in their country, no one should interfere? if the majority of ppl in pennsylvania wanted to make an ozone hole, we should LET them?
    come ON. this is one world, one globe. as Jews i think we have a responsibility to keep the world safe. God gave us resources, and it's up to us to use them responsibly.
