Monday, November 22, 2004

oh fark, you lark

i figure that if the Fark moderators can shamelessly promore what they want for Christmas, i can too.  although my christmas is called kwanzaaaaa.

Dani's Wishlist


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Mon 22 Nov 2004, 12:49 pm
    First off, nice selection of movies. Second, I had no idea you gues were into Will Shortz's "Games." I had a few boooks way back on NCSY summer Kollel. I had much fun w/Reuven Weiser with the game where you read words together that become a different phrase.
    Dusk Harlot Ladder = The Scarelett Letter
    Radar Softer Law Stark = Raiders of the Lost Ark (it too me an embaressing amount of time to get that one.

  2. 2. 'A visitor' posted on the Mon 22 Nov 2004, 1:13 pm
    Sorry, given the topic I couldn't resist one more daughter anecdote. Her cumulative running wish list for Chanukah/Birthday, etc. is (in her words and in the following order of preference):
    flying trapeze
    roller skates
    Odd thing: she's not all that physcially daring, but likes the *idea* of these items.

  3. 3. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Mon 22 Nov 2004, 1:18 pm
    my sister's still waiting for her afikoman ice skates form when she was 14 (she now has three kids). i never got my pony, or to be an ethiopian, or to be a fire truck. : (
    i think the trampoline is a brilliant idea (maybe wait til she's a little bigger?). i loved the one at my nursery school.
    i also want a record player and a collection of vinyls, but that may have to wait til we're rich.

  4. 4. 'A visitor' posted on the Mon 22 Nov 2004, 4:21 pm
    About the record player: Exatly the opposite. They are actually easy to come by at flea markets etc. A friend was looking for one and found it really fast there. P.S. Did you check ebay for the records?

  5. 5. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Mon 22 Nov 2004, 4:30 pm
    smart! i love you.

  6. 6. 'A visitor' posted on the Mon 22 Nov 2004, 6:13 pm
    Re the list itself -- great stuff! Twin Peaks was my favorite non-comedy TV show ever before it doddered off into navel-gazing; every episode was like a miniature movie. Branaugh's Much Ado was kind of a disappointment. For Richard III, I think the master is Ian McLellan (saw him perform live, although film version also reputed to be good:
