Wednesday, November 24, 2004

and then, and then...

thank god for music at work.  it seriously keeps me from doing dreadfully dangerous things.  things like stapling my hat to my head, or cutting my hair myself (i did that for all of tenth grade, and it worked...  nail scissors though, not like the big ones i have here).  sometimes i want to punch my computer (only when it's being mean to me) or fall asleep.  then i find good music and turn it up and next thing you knwo i'm bouncing around and it's 3:19!!!!!!!!!  yay!

note to self - i can't type.

if i worked from 11-7 i'd be so much better off.  i'd sleep til 9:30, come in at 10, lalala, i'd be SO happy.  and i'd be back on my natural sleeping cycle.  this working during regular day time hours thing is going to kill me.  i just can't adjust to sleeping from 11-7.  i don't want or need to sleep until 3 or 4, unless i've been unable to sleep for days on end.  then i just fall asleep wherever i happen to be at the time.

there are no more and thens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Wed 24 Nov 2004, 11:01 pm
    you know, if you'e serious about the timing, you could probably work something out with the higher ups.

  2. 2. 'A visitor' posted on the Sun 28 Nov 2004, 5:16 pm
    Sheesh, woman, drink some NyQuil. :)
