Friday, March 18, 2005


i was accused of being a rebel yesterday, which raises the question of whether all non-conformity is truly rebellion or simply an expression of the reality that there's more than one way to do somehting.

i mean, yes, it was probably not so happy for a lot of people that i came to work wearing pants, but it was far from an act of rebellion.  far more an act of exhaustion, weariness at wearing ugly and uncomfortable clothes every day, and not wanting to have to bring clothes with me to change into for when we went out after work.

it bothers me that every non-comformist is labelled a rebel.  when i rebel, you will hear it loud and clear.  when i was rebelling, it was a middle finger aimed at the sky, and a big "screw you, god!".  not by following my own instincts.  that just makes me me.

i also know few rebels who would be working in the establishment like i have been, playing at being a nice little girl (some days i could pass for being from brooklyn.  it's kinda scary).  so i think i must conclude that while i've had wonderfully exciting rebellious stages (and i thoroughly enjoyed them and the pissing off of people that went with them), i have, alas, mostly grown out of it.

besides, i threw out my punk boots last year.


  1. 1. 'Marti Joy Davidson Sichel' posted on the Fri 18 Mar 2005, 1:11 pm
    I don't think I'll ever be able to throw out all of my Docs.
    I have so many things to say about the rest of that post, that I've rewritten this 3 times, but at this point, I don't think I'll write any of it for fear of incriminating someone. But I will say that a rebel does not a pair of pants make.
    Visit me @ http://www/

  2. 2. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Tue 22 Mar 2005, 8:56 am
    note - the punk boots weren't docs. they were plastic platform scary boots i picked up at hot topic one day, and could only wear when i was trying to look freaky.
    my docs are happily living on my feet.

  3. 3. 'Marti Joy Davidson Sichel' posted on the Tue 22 Mar 2005, 3:14 pm
    heh heh hehhhhh..... excellent.
