Hello –
My name is Rabbi Olabamu Wabatunji and I am the Morah D’Asra of
Lagos, Nigeria. Thank G-d, we are now forming a New Kollel for over 30
yungerleit and their families, to be known as Kollel Mosif Kemach. We
have collected significant funding for the new building, and obtained
the services of the well know architect Moishe Ben-Pil, whose study of
the first prakim of Shmos has made him an expert on construction using
mud bricks. Our funds currently exceed 13.5 million US dollars, which
we must convert into Nigerian Nairas (NGN 1,822,500,000)
Due to your well know honesty and tzidkus, we are pleased to
offer you an opportunity to take part in this great mitzvah. Since we
must deposit this money in an American bank account to begin the
currency conversion, we will gladly give you 10% of this money
($1,350,000) if you will let us use yours. Simply reply to this email
and send us the following information:
Your social security number
The name of your bank, and your account number
The name of your next of kin
Your yichus
Your hat size
How long you wait after eating fleishigs
My G-d bless you for your help, and may you have a freilech Purim
1. 'A visitor' posted on the Mon 14 Mar 2005, 6:35 pm
2. 'A visitor' posted on the Mon 14 Mar 2005, 11:19 pm
ReplyDeleteWHATS FB? sorry, caps lock.
3. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Tue 15 Mar 2005, 11:41 am
ReplyDeleteFB is a friend of mine. i.e., those are her initials.
4. 'rush3k' posted on the Sun 20 Mar 2005, 3:05 pm
5. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Sun 20 Mar 2005, 6:56 pm
ReplyDeleteit's such a perfect fusion of those awful emails and the awful solicitations we all get every Purim
6. 'A visitor' posted on the Mon 21 Mar 2005, 5:17 pm
ReplyDeletefigured you'd see the humor.
am honored that my name appeared as the title (or am I?)