this is my blog. it's my personal blog, not an official forum. i do not invite comments, i enable them so that my friends and i can communicate. when i ask you not to be mean to people on my blog, and you respond by doing it again, it really annoys me. so here's the official deal, Guy(s) - do NOT be mean to people on my blog, especially when it directly relates to their parnasah. you can voice an opinion, but don't cross the line into unecessary smearing of someone.
this blog was created as a space where i could vent and my friends could keep up as we're often not in touch regularly by phone and email. if you are not a friend of mine and you won't play nice, you don't belong here. there's a whole blogosphere out there begging for hits who will welcome "snarky". please note that whenever i have really vented about people on here i have done so anonymously, not sharing my opinions about someone with a world of strangers.
thank you for your kind understanding.
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