Wednesday, March 30, 2005


as of 4:30 yesterday, a good friend of mine is now Jewish.

morning grumps

am so tired.  can't sleep soundly now, which is also a good thing, cause if something happens, i'll catch it, but it's really hell on the whole higher functioning thing.

had a great evening at makor, love that place.  sad about the lack of parmesan last night (that = no caesar salad).  great waitress, great vibe, great time!

so happy that there's warm weather again !!!  time for abig yummy walk tonight.


Monday, March 28, 2005


we got back after Shabbat to find that our bathtub had filled itself with dirty water.  i looked for the source - the ceiling wasn't dripping, the faucet wasn't dripping, the shower wasn't dripping.

about half an hour later, i heard what sounded like the sink dripping.  but no, the sink was fine - it was the water pipe on the floor of the bathroom, leaking slowly out onto the floor.  bad.  although the bathtub was draining, which in a way was good.  except that the bathtub was draining onto our floor.  bad.  So we got out the towels we'd used for the water damage sopping up and stacked them at the doorway.  good.

avraham ran down and called the super, who came up, checked it out, and started fixing it, along with his son. they were there til 11:30 on Easter eve, and we felt really bad!  they left, and told us they'd be back at 8:30 in the morning.  so they come back up, and keep working on our pipes (by now the sink's been ripped out of our kitchen.)

around 10, avraham goes to drop off our laundry.

i had heard fire trucks, but he told me not to be paranoid. so i wasn't paranoid. in fact, i was so not paranoid that when the fireman started pounding down my door, i told him nothing was wrong and sent him away. then he came back with some friends (all in uniform!), and they told me that indeed something WAS wrong. about then avraham showed up - in time to see 13 firefighters cram into our now smaller kitchen, which normally holds 3 standing tightly and 4 people squished.

they felt the wall and determined that there was something burning inside of it

so they ripped out our wall, and lo and behold, there was wood smoldering inside the plaster.  no one knows how it caught fire, or when, or why.  just that it did.  there are no wires near it, and there were no shorts.  we're supposed to monitor and see if anything else in the apartment spontaneously combusts.

so i'm now ready to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


what it is that drives people to pick up the pen you're using, right as you say "that is such a great pen", unscrew it, and then take it apart?

they never work again after that, people!  i now have no good pens!  NO GOOD PENS!  and i'm EDITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2005

oy, it's such a shandah...


over at that other Bronstein household blog , there's some guy named Zev who has repeatedly proven himself to be annoying.  and now he's dumb enough to knock on my hometown.

i really have nothing more to say to him.  i'm just curious about why he thought i wouldn't mind his dig, and what exactly he meant to prove by it.

oh, avs is gonna be annoyed that i called the guy a schmuck...

Friday, March 18, 2005


i was accused of being a rebel yesterday, which raises the question of whether all non-conformity is truly rebellion or simply an expression of the reality that there's more than one way to do somehting.

i mean, yes, it was probably not so happy for a lot of people that i came to work wearing pants, but it was far from an act of rebellion.  far more an act of exhaustion, weariness at wearing ugly and uncomfortable clothes every day, and not wanting to have to bring clothes with me to change into for when we went out after work.

it bothers me that every non-comformist is labelled a rebel.  when i rebel, you will hear it loud and clear.  when i was rebelling, it was a middle finger aimed at the sky, and a big "screw you, god!".  not by following my own instincts.  that just makes me me.

i also know few rebels who would be working in the establishment like i have been, playing at being a nice little girl (some days i could pass for being from brooklyn.  it's kinda scary).  so i think i must conclude that while i've had wonderfully exciting rebellious stages (and i thoroughly enjoyed them and the pissing off of people that went with them), i have, alas, mostly grown out of it.

besides, i threw out my punk boots last year.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

ongoing conversation

a few weeks ago someone brought up the topic of abortions and birth control, stating that they should be made illegal. we talked for a few hours.

here's some of what came up:

The numbers do not support the statement that abortion is being used as a method of birth control.  Abortions are painful and traumatizing, and just as with a miscarriage - once the fetus is dead, it still nneds to be birthed by the woman carrying it.  all that labor, and no new life to come from it.  Having spoken with friends who have miscarried, the pain is unbearable, and i doubt that there could be many women out there whowould choose to go through this repeatedly rather then use condoms, a diaphragm, the pill, or have their tubes tied.

one HUGE problem i have with the "pro-life" groups is that there is no support for the mother after she gives birth.  she does not get to speak with someone, she doesn't get to know that her child will be ok, and the odds are she doesn't even get a moment to say goodbye.

instead, a pregnant woman who is not going to be raising the child has these options:

She can go through pregnancy, with all the physical, psychological, and emotinal rollercoasters that come with it, only to give birth and lose the child.  Once she has given the child away, here's a look at the  most likely trajectory of its life, unfortunately:

The child will probably not get placed with a family right away.  if it isn't adopted by the age of two, the odds drop dramatically that it ever will be - by 5 the odds are almost nil.  instead the child will either live in a facility or be placed in foster care.

how many kids go through foster and emerge as succssful, functional adults?

sadly, this kid will probably end up either abused, killed, or in jail, like this little girl.

of the people i've spoken to, we've reached a consensus that most of us would have amuch harder time bringing a child into that life.

so... there are now pharmacists who are refusing to dispense the pill based on the idea that it kills life (it doesn't - if you get pregnant and keep taking the pill, you shoud stop as it's harmful to the fetus, but the only scenario in which it can be misconstrued that way is if you get pregnant and then take 3 or 4 pills at once, which is an overdose and not recommended for ANY drug).  instead they would rather have these women get pregnant?  so we can what - start the cycle over?

the fact is that if abortion were to be made illegal in the US, the next fight the "pro-life" group would wage is against birth control.  that's the fight they're gearing up for now, that's the fight that led us to abortion being legal in the first place.

would you rather have birth control and safe abortion, or would you rather have unwanted pregnancies leading to potentially fatal attempts at aborting and a greater strain on the foster care system?


i'm blowing into one mother of a migraine

have to stay another 3 hours at least

not sure how i'm going to do it

not sure if i'm even capable of concentrating enough to get things done

my teeth are making my eyes ache, vibrating in my skull with pain

want to go curl up my couch with a balnket, clutching into my brain, taking wonderful meds and not seeing light or hearing sound.  just curled up and rocking til i fall asleep.    christ this is crazy.

when's the last time i had two of these in one week?

don't be a jerk

this is my blog.  it's my personal blog, not an official forum.  i do not invite comments, i enable them so that my friends and i can communicate.  when i ask you not to be mean to people on my blog, and you respond by doing it again, it really annoys me.  so here's the official deal, Guy(s) - do NOT be mean to people on my blog, especially when it directly relates to their parnasah.  you can voice an opinion, but don't cross the line into unecessary smearing of someone. 

this blog was created as a space where i could vent and my friends could keep up as we're often not in touch regularly by phone and email.  if you are not a friend of mine and you won't play nice, you don't belong here.  there's a whole blogosphere out there begging for hits who will welcome "snarky".  please note that whenever i have really vented about people on here i have done so anonymously, not sharing my opinions about someone with a world of strangers.

thank you for your kind understanding.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


i'm generally a pacifist, but this (from the ny times)

Israeli Forces Pull Back<br/>From Jericho

Handover in West Bank
Israeli forces transferred
control of Jericho to the
Palestinians today, a move
likely to help Mahmoud Abbas,
the Palestinian leader.

just made my heart sink.

eh eh eh

i'm BORED!

how are you?

Monday, March 14, 2005


Hello –

        My name is Rabbi Olabamu Wabatunji and I am the Morah D’Asra of
Lagos, Nigeria.  Thank G-d, we are now forming a New Kollel for over 30
yungerleit and their families, to be known as Kollel Mosif Kemach. We
have collected significant funding for the new building, and obtained
the services of the well know architect Moishe Ben-Pil, whose study of
the first prakim of Shmos has made him an expert on construction using
mud bricks.  Our funds currently exceed 13.5 million US dollars, which
we must convert into Nigerian Nairas (NGN 1,822,500,000)

        Due to your well know honesty and tzidkus, we are pleased to
offer you an opportunity to take part in this great mitzvah.  Since we
must deposit this money in an American bank account to begin the
currency conversion, we will gladly give you 10% of this money
($1,350,000) if you will let us use yours.  Simply reply to this email
and send us the following information:

Your social security number
The name of your bank, and your account number
The name of your next of kin
Your yichus
Your hat size
How long you wait after eating fleishigs

        My G-d bless you for your help, and may you have a freilech Purim

funny, but it'll work

America Eats For Israel
    On March 21 you can help victims of terror in Israel and all you have to do is eat. Over 50 high schools in the country have solicited restaurants in their area to give 10% of their gross sales to the Terror Victims Association in Jerusalem. There are already over 130 restaurants participating in 19 states. So please eat out at a local restaurant on the 21st and support Israeli victims of terror!  For more information or a listing of restaurants in your area visit



       1. Mr. Nosh 

       2. Pizza Nosh 


       1. Bageltown

                    West Hempstead, NY

       2. Benzy's Foods

                    West Hempstead, NY

          3. Bistro Grill Restaurant

                    Great Neck, NY

       4. Chatanooga Restaurant

            Great Neck, NY

       5. David's Famous Pizza & Borekas 

            Cedarhurst, NY

       6. King's Grill

                 Great Neck, NY

      7. Shula's

           Cedarhurst, NY

      8. Subtown

                    West Hempstead, NY

         9. Sushi Metzuyan

            Cedarhurst, NY

      10. The Kosher Fishery

            Cedarhurst, NY

      11. Traditions Delicatessen

           Lawrence, NY

      12. Ultimate Yogurt Shop  

                   Cedarhurst, NY  

      13. Wing Wan Chinese Kitchen

           West Hempstead, NY

      14. Wok Tov

           Cedarhurst, NY


    1. Dougie's Bar-B-Que & Grill 

           222 West 72nd Street New York, NY  10023

    2. Murray's Falafel and Grill

    3. Noah's Ark Original Deli 

    4. Pece of Cake

    5. Pizza Cave

            1376 Lexington Avenue (between E. 90th & 91st)

    6. Village Schwarma


    1. Annie Chan's Restaurant

                19013 Union Turnpike Forest Hills, NY 11366-1863

    2. Shimon's Pizza

    3. Strawberry Cafe Inc.


      1. Prime Time Cafe

                New Rochelle, NY

here's the deal

today at 12:34 PM, EST, we should all listen to The Beatles' Honey Pie.

the thing is, if you have a bad weekend, you feel cheated on Monday, and if you have a good way, you hate Monday for ending it.

poor poor sad monday, you have no friends...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

boo ya !!!!!!!

Read it! read it!

yay wil!

CSI tonight - look for a homeless man named Walter...

frizzle your hard drive

i got 5 emails from this woman today (ignoring the other batch of emails she's sent me previsouly) about something not working on our site.  i tried everything i could, and she started getting impatient that i couldn't solve whatever problems she was having on her computer.

point number one - i am not a computer technician.
point number two - i cannot see you, your computer, your OS, or whether you're using dial up, so if you email me to say something's not working, please tell me what kind of something it is so i have a clue of where to begin!

she just emailed back to tell me, after really making me feel incompetent for my inability to solve her problem, that she finally stopped trying to access it through AOL, used the regular internet explorer, and lo - it worked.

maybe next time before sending me angry emails in caps because i can't fix the problem, you should have someone who KNOWS computers come look at it and tell you what you're doing wrong.

*am very frustrated*


Samurai Soteriology
-- David L. Simmons

With Hollywood still buzzing about the recent 77th Academy Awards ceremony, this is a good time to consider one of the most influential forces shaping our attitudes about religion: the movies.  My favorite movie from the past year was ignored at the Oscars: Quentin Tarantino's second "volume" of his epic tale of bloody, inexorable revenge, Kill Bill.  Taken together, the Kill Bill movies demonstrate some bona-fide Zen Buddhist doctrine, and can be read as a filmic meditation on the Zen koan that provides the philosophical keynote for the plot: "If you meet the Buddha, kill him."

Continue Reading "Samurai Soteriology"

let's discuss


...  cause it sounds good with "I've been mad for fucking years, absolutely years, been
over the edge for yonks, been working me buns off for bands..."

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the
most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even
if you're not mad..."

funerals... or weddings.

of course i didn't walk to nothing else matters, i walked to fade to black...

Make Education Applicable

my friend teaches science and is trying to show her students how science applies in the real world.  If you are so inclined, please answer the following questions and send them to me:

What's your name?

What is your job?
Please give a brief description of your job.

Does your job involve science or science knowledge?

Why is learning science important?

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

2 am

She drifted towards sleep until sometime between 11:30 and 12 she feel into heavily.  The sound of snow plows in the middle of the night invaded the fringes of her consciousness.  Why do they have to plow in the middle of the night?  Do they do they anywhere outside of Washington Heights?  These were her first two thoughts.  Next was “Please let my husband sleep through this.”  But he didn’t.  Perhaps it was the noise from upstairs – what were they doing tonight, tai kwan do?  Bowling?

He stirred, and noticed the noise, and the unusual accompanying lights and siren.  Like he does every time he gets woken up, he lifted the shade and looked outside.  She laughed at him in her head.  He turned to her and said “It’s a fire.  Go!  Go!”

The word “Go!” processed, even before the word "fire" and she leaped out of bed trying to make sense of the rest, trying to make sense of the banging at the door.  He ran to the door, she scrambled to find something to drape around herself, please something bigger then a towel!  Her mother had always told her to sleep in enough clothes to be able to run out in the middle of the night – why hadn’t she listened?  As she picked up a robe, a man walked in and shone a flashlight at her.  She desperately said “Please, wait, I’ll be ready in a minute,” not sure if she was asking for her rescue to be delayed or if it was just a plea to give her time to get covered.

Somewhere in the confusion she understood that the fire was indeed not in their apartment, but in the apartment upstairs.  She ran to the door, and the Fire Chief asked her to keep it open.  Her husband appeared beside her.

The sound of breaking glass panicked her; she thought that maybe the fire had spread to their apartment as well, then realized that the windows were being broken upstairs.  They do that to keep the gases from expanding and blowing the windows out, endangering everyone.

A policeman was stationed at her door.  She asked urgently “Are the guys upstairs all right?  Do they know where they are?”

He asked her for names and ages.  As she said them, she couldn’t stop the tears from forming.  Her knees sagged, and she felt like she was going to throw up.  A voice kicked in inside her, begging that they live, that they not be hurt.

Her husband noticed water dripping through their apartment and went about saving the couches, the computers, the television…  she couldn’t move away from the police, from their walkie-talkies, from the information they might have for her.

It was an hour, then more.  She sat, clenched, unsure what to think what to feel, knowing she’s never look at fictional crime scenes the same way again.  Then she heard a voice – they were talking about wrestling.  She dashed into the hall.  “M****!  Oh my GOD, what happened?  Where’s J****?  Are you okay?”

He smiled.  “Yeah, I just got here.  I’m fine.  Maybe my stuff is too.  They told me J****’s downstairs, and he’s fine too.”  She felt time slow around her, felt the worry slip, but the fear wouldn’t let go.

The police called in a bleeder – someone had run onto a fire escape and cut herself badly.  They would get there, she would be okay.

J**** came upstairs.  She walked over to him, wanting to hug him.  “J****, are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he said, “I’m okay.”

He didn’t need anything; he said his stuff was mostly undamaged
.  She asked what had happened.

I was in my room reading when my light blew.  I got up and went into M****’s room, and was on his bed reading, when I noticed flames licking their way across the bed sheet.  It turns out we had a short, and luckily it blew my light – if it hadn’t, I wouldn’t have seen the fire until it was too late.”

She waited, watching as the fire-fighters finished and cleaned up.  The Fire Chief stopped in to say goodbye and apologize for walking in – he needed to see the layout of the apartment.  She smiled and said she was glad to have helped.

He left, and then it was just her and her husband.  They stood and looked at their apartment and the water streaking down the walls and through the lights.  Then he locked the door and they went back to bed.  She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t rest, relax.  So when the bell rang at 4:15, she ran, not sure what she would see when she opened it.

Red Cross Disaster Relief had arrived, assessed damage, and was taking care of J**** and M****.  She spoke with them, then lay in bed,kissed her husband, and listened to the sound of them cleaning the apartment upstairs, clearing the glass, removing pieces of the wall…

I’m still shell-shocked.  All morning I’ve felt like I was going to pass out.  It might be delayed reaction to the whole thing, the lack of readiness on my part, or the fact that if God forbid there’s ever a fire in our apartment, we have no way out.

If I start to cry today, I’m sorry.  I need some release.

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

more email in my inbox


Invites you and your friends to join other Young Professionals for a


Date: Sunday, March 20, 2005
Time: 6:00-9:00pm
at the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
124 East 58th Street, New York, NY

Featured Speakers:

Jay Buchsbaum - acclaimed wine educator and host of weekly radio show
kosher wines

Tzippy Cohen - a survivor of the September 2, 2003 attack at Cafe

Dairy Dinner will be served

Couvert: $50 in advance (paid by March 14)/$65 at the door

RSVP: or 973-438-3535

To view the invitation for this event click

Young Leadership Committee:

Dassie & Ari Fuchs
Jeff Stier

Howie Beigelman
Debbie Bielory
Eli Braun
Tzippy Cohen
Eric Distenfeld
Sandy & Eli Dweck
Josh & Judy Feldman
Joanne Freedman
Jordan Frenkel
Noa Gelnick
Leslie Ginsparg
Cheryl Greene
Chaim & Mechal Haas
Yishai & Aliza Hughes
Carrie Jacobs
Stacey Katz
Esther & Motti Kremer
Kara Kronegold
Shira Kronenberg
Jen Landsberg
Joey Lifschitz
Lisa Mechanick
Daniel & Marlene Miller
Daniel Rindsberg
Ari Rockoff
Adam Singer
Sarri Singer
Rachel Traurig
Shlomo & Ronnie Troodler
Dovi & Devorah Wachsler
Tom Weiss
Tully Wiesz
Marissa Wolf
Sammy Zack

Sponsored by Eastern Union Funding

Proceeds from admission as well as a percentage of wine sales will go
the One Family Fund, an organization that helps terror victims in
For more information on the One Family Fund please visit the Web site

Monday, March 7, 2005

computer stories

as some of you might recall (and this is only if you know me or if you've actually been reading this blog since it started), i've had extensive problems with my computer and getting it fixed.

basically i've given up, and today is the first day that i'm using my old computer again.

oh, hard drive, how do i miss all the information you used to hold...

Friday, March 4, 2005

in my mail

Please see the following item from Diana Muir about the Scottsdale public schools adopting an anti-Israel textbook.   

Scottsdale is the test district for a new text produced by the Teacher's Curriculum Institute, History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond. The new book and teachers materials are extremely anti-Israel, in addition to providing a highly inaccurate history of Islam. 

See "Background", below, for details then  please write.  We must not allow history to be rewritten in American classrooms.


Write a letter of protesting the anti-Israel and factually inaccurate textbook and curriculum recently adopted by the Scottsdale Unified School District


Mrs. Christine Schild, President
Governing Board, Scottsdale Unified School District

Dr. John M. Baracy, Superintendent


[Remember that it is always best if you compose a letter in your own words.]

Dear Dr. Baracy,

I am writing to complain about the anti-Israel textbook, "History Alive!", that the Scottsdale Unified School District has adopted. This textbook presents a highly biased view of the Middle East and contains factually inaccurate propaganda.

Specifically, the Teacher's Curriculum Institute unit on the Modern Middle East presents a distorted history of the region that omits mention of ancient Israel as a sovereign Jewish nation, omits mention of the centrality of Jerusalem to Judaism, and erases the pertinent fact of continuous Jewish presence in the Holy Land throughout history. It states that the Jews "left" Israel 2,000 years ago. The Jews did not "leave." The Jewish population of the area around Jerusalem was shipped in chains to Roman slave markets, while the Jewish population of the Galilee stayed in place.

The sort of propaganda-as-history presented in "History Alive!" has no place in the public school curriculum. History Alive!'s constant use of the name "Palestine," refusal to use the name "Israel," omission of any mention of the nearly one million Jewish refugees driven from Muslim lands, and use of the word "terrorism" only in the sentence "Zionist terrorist groups formed and began attacking..." demonstrates that this curriculum is not scholarship but mere propaganda carefully planned to delegitimize the Jewish claim to the land of Israel.

I demand that the Scottsdale Schools immediately discontinue use of "Histroy Alive!" and replace it with a textbook that takes an evenhanded and factual approach to the Middle East.

Sincerely yours,


The History Alive! textbook and its instructional materials are now being tested in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The publisher is Teachers' Curriculum Institute, a privately held company hoping to introduce the book to the lucrative California textbook market.

The chief author-advisor on Islam is Ayad Al-Qazzaz, professor of sociology at California State University, Sacramento. Al Quazzaz is a Muslim apologist and anti-Israel and pro-divestment activist.

The historical distortion and factual misrepresentations woven throughout the TCI curriculum renders it unacceptable for classroom use. A valid educational approach would present fully the nationalist narratives of both sides of the dispute, in an objective and fair manner, and would explain clearly that these narratives are what each side passionately believes. This would give the student (and teacher) the opportunity to weigh the arguments of both sides in a balanced exercise in critical thinking.

This material is so biased that it cannot be "fixed" either by using additional materials to supplement for its inadequacies or by omitting any given section. As a result of the bias, a potential exists for the creation of a hostile environment in the classroom against Jewish students.

Reports on the curriculum are available at:

Thursday, March 3, 2005

but what if

those people who get paid a lot when a couple they set up gets engaged - are they obliged to give the money back if they break up?  what's the protocol?  does it go to the parents?  all of the parents?  the couple?  whichever spouse had a worse time in the relationship?  whichever spouse will have a harder time getting re-married?

also, what's protocol with couples returning gifts after a few months of marriage?  does it matter if it's been used or not?

and really, who DOES get to keep the ring?  does your answer change if it was a family heirloom?  what if one them did something REALLY terrible, does the other one get to keep everything by default?

someone should institute an institute to ponder such deep questions.

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

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  - i'm not a cynic.  i'm a delusional realist -

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also read

Finding the Ultimate Theory of Everything

Could two lookalike galaxies, barely a whisker apart in the night sky, herald a revolution in our understanding of fundamental physics? Some physicists believe that the two galaxies are the same - its image has been split into two, they maintain, by a "cosmic string"; a San Andreas Fault in the very fabric of space and time.

hang em by their toes...

Two teen gang members beat a Bronx bus driver so badly, he wound up in the hospital - where cops shocked the battered man by filing charges against him because the young thugs claimed he assaulted them.

must read of the day

Scientific wizards find real cloak of invisibility

if only for this quote:

A report in the journal Nature reveals that the new system is far more ambitious, being both self-contained and reducing visibility from all angles. In this sense it would be more like the shields used by the Romulans in the Star Trek episode Balance of Terror which hid their spaceship at the touch of a button.


Judge in Saddam Trial Murdered

Judge Barwez Mohammed Mahmoud and a relative were killed Tuesday in northern Baghdad's Azamyiah district, the official told The Associated Press early Wednesday on condition of anonymity.
Mahmoud's role on the tribunal was unclear, but the law establishing it called for up to 20 investigative judges and up to 20 prosecutors. It also said the tribunal would have one or more trial chambers, each with five judges. The judges have not even been identified in public because of concerns for safety.

Tuesday, March 1, 2005


just found out the hard way what my shul's full name is:

Machzikei Hadas/YI of Scranton

i've got a spammer

and his address is

note - there is no effective way to report to aol that thyei users are spamming, and i've asked to be removed about a bazillion times from his Jewish Messsiah Prophet list.


ripped from the fark-lines

German wants to build corpse factory in Poland, making this only the second time in history this has been attempted

The artist, who once put on display the corpse of a pregnant woman, complete with a dissection of her womb, has faced probes over dealing with corpses in several countries where authorities have tried but failed to stop his displays.

The scandal around von Hagen's plans spiced up further when the Polish and German press said his 89-year-old father, Gerhard Liebchen, who represents his son's businesses in Poland, was suspected of carrying out crimes against Poles in World War Two.

Law and Order, here we come...

yes, yes, america the great

2 Bodies Found at Residence of U.S. Judge

A federal judge who was once the target of a failed murder plot by a white supremacist found two bodies in her home when she returned from work, reportedly those of her husband and 89-year-old mother.
Supremacist Matthew Hale was convicted last year of soliciting an undercover FBI informant to kill U.S. District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow and is awaiting sentencing.
Hale, 33, became notorious in 1999 when a follower, Benjamin Smith, went on a deadly shooting rampage in Illinois and Indiana. Targeting minorities, Smith killed two people, including former Northwestern University basketball coach Ricky Birdsong, and wounded nine others before killing himself as police closed in.

oh, let that freedom ring...