Monday, February 16, 2004

party x 2

ok, so our lchaim goes a little long.  it started yesterday, it'll end next week.  whatever.  we like parties.  for all of you who could not join us in scranton, we invite you to join us this time at avraham's parents' house this sunday the 22nd of february. 

the lchaim will go from 1-5, and we will be there!

(anyone here who was in scranton this week is totally invited next week if you'd like to come again.  even if not, we had a great time with you, and thanks for coming.)

*if you haven't sent your address to us yet, please do, or we will be forced to cross you off the list and sell your spot to the highest bidder.  so says dani's father who wants to make some money off of our wedding*


i'll be coming out of blogging retirement soon, i promise...  i've been stuck for the day (and tomorrow) not able to get into the library for lack of a wallet containing my IDs.  gr


  1. 1. a reader left...
    Tuesday, 17 February 2004 2:55 am
    How are you getting it back?
    BTW, the his/her blog posts are very cute, although it's very easy to tell who's writing which.

  2. 2. Dani Weiss left...
    Tuesday, 17 February 2004 10:29 am
    ppl keep saying that. we write them together. you'd probably be surprised at what is from which of us, but we'll never tell. never!
