Here's a modified version of our most recent press release:
you are all invited to our l'chaim in scranton, PA, on february 15th (sunday of president's weekend), at about 1 PM. don't worry about coming on time, it'll go for a few hours. you can email us for driving directions. if you need to find a ride from NY, let us know - we may be able to hook you up with one. we don't know if we're allowed to do this here or not, but a number of you have asked us where to get stuff. if you're so inclined, we're registered @ fortunoff, linens n things, and under our full names. so, nu, why did we send this (there was an email version as well) to ppl in israel and england and wherever else that can't make it? we want you to feel included in our simcha.
Dani(ela) Weiss & Avraham Bronstein
the pictures will soon be posted @ OS or right here, depending on how things works out.
1. a reader left...
ReplyDeleteWednesday, 4 February 2004 3:23 pm
Oh wow. Dani - you're awesome. BUt you already knew that. By extension (or possibly by inference) so is Avraham. I am rather proud to have known you for two decades plus (scary isn't it?) Oh, one last thing - I may be able to get to Scranton on the 15th after all.
Love always,