Wednesday, July 13, 2005

the wonder of it all

my upstairs neighbor makes a ton of noise. i'm convinced that throughout her apartment she has hoists with bags of potatoes and small bodies that she every so often drops just for the effect. i also am convinced taht she weighs about 500 pounds, because the minute she gets up in the morning, it wakes me up - the heavy footsteps, rolling chair, banging, dropping things. i actually thought that there was an entire family up there, which would account for a lot of the strange noises we hear, but no, apparently it's just this one woman.

we got back from july 4th weekend to find that our ceiling had developed a leak. the leak landed on the couch, my computer, and 2 of our remotes. my computer wasn't working (avs fixed it) and the couch smelled like sweet mold.

then 2 days ago the leak started again, with actual drops that we could see while we were in the room. so avs went up to let 'them' know. essentially, when he told her that somethign was dripping through our ceiling and into our couch, she said (nastily) that it was her air conditioner, and she wasn't about to turn it off in this heat. no "i'm sorry, but...".

i hear her squeaking her feet right now.

i decided that i'm going to have my (very tall) brother hold my (very energetic) nephew to the ceiling and let him bang his feet as long as they can hold the pose. i would totally drip something into her hair, but i dont know who she is.

hee - i'd love to kno how many people take what i say here seroously. no, i'm not going to disturb the crazy old lady - i'm just going to wait for her to die.


  1. 1. 'Robin Christian' posted on the Wed 13 Jul 2005, 8:44 am
    Why not just make it your mission to torment her so she will move? I am so glad that I own my home.
    - signed

  2. 2. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Wed 13 Jul 2005, 9:26 am
    because that's really mean.
    i prefer to take out my revenge in writing, where it doesn't affect anyone but me.

  3. 3. 'sheila' posted on the Wed 13 Jul 2005, 11:13 am
    WAIT, if it's leaking through the CEILING, talk to the landlord/super?!

  4. 4. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Wed 13 Jul 2005, 12:02 pm
    we did that too. the thing is that it was actively leaking at the time, and we wanted to let her know in case it was something she could stop (like a drip from an aquarium). the super has since fixed her AC (at OUR request) so it doesn't leak anymore, but now we have a huge stain, cracked ceiling, and weird smell.
    as soon as the ceiling is dry they're going to fix it. re: our property, if it's anything serious, we'll figure out who's paying for it.
    as far as the leak coming through the ceiling - it's not the building's fault if a tenant improperly installs an AC. how she managed to get a wall unit to drip into her apartment without realizing it is beyond me.

  5. 5. 'A visitor' posted on the Wed 13 Jul 2005, 4:14 pm
    Reverse scenario, similar concept: In our first apartment, we had a crazy old lady living downstairs us who complained about us. My wife and I were, respectively, in grad school and law school, and when we were home, we pretty much sat around reading in silence. We wore soft slippers in the absence of carpet.
    After the lady complained nastily about how noisy we were, it emerged that the prior occupant of our apartment had been in a nursing home for *five years*, during which time our apartment was vacant. I pointed out to the lady downstairs that although we did our best to be considerate, she was not used to having anyone living in the apartment above her. She kept on being nasty until we moved out a few years later. Guess who moved in? A group of college students who regularly threw large parties. Ah, justice.
