Thursday, July 7, 2005


i have this burning in gut now (for so long)

i feel like if i don't throw up soon it's going to consume me

the news this morning has me uneasy - i don't feel anything that makes think something happened to someone i know, i just feel general unease

i'm waiting to hear from raffi

i can't fully accept what's happened


  1. 1. 'Robin Christian' posted on the Wed 13 Jul 2005, 8:45 am
    Well now let's home that the rest of the world accepts what has happened (again) and will begin to realize that the terrorists don't just hate the Americans.
    Hope your friend is okay.
    - signed

  2. 2. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Wed 13 Jul 2005, 9:32 am
    i dont think anyone but americans thinks that terrorists only hate americans. it's just that our media only covers certain kinds of terror.
    i don't think acceptance is the way to go after a terror attack. in fact, the UK's response has been exactly correct - they're looking for the people who did it, and they're going to punish them, much like they do after every attack.
    the world at large has suffered from terrorist attacks for the past 30+ years. why view as singularly an american problem?
    if i lived elsewhere, i'm pretty sure i'd hate americans for the US-centric attitude regarding world affairs.
    if anything, i'd say the rest of the world is more used to dealing with terror attacks, given the adult response they portray.
    also, my friend is fine. thanks. : )
