Veronica Mars is a high schooler whose best friend's death set off a chain off events leading to her becoming a socila outcast. If you don't watch this show, please don't bother reading this, as it will make no sense to you at all.
I can't say I"m surprised that Haaron was dick enough to sleep with Lilly, who was not only underage, but his son's on again off again. But I am shocked that Lilly would sleep with Haaron. Some ofit makes sense - he's older, hot, rich. But he's a skeaz, and why would she hurt Logan like that? Also, did she not know that Haaron was abusing Logan? How could she have missed the belt marks? Even Lynn knew.
Which, btw, would make it very interesting if Lynn was the one who showed up at Veronica's door last night.
So sad that Logan is losing his mind. First Lilly dies, then Lynn jumps off a bridge. He cracked a bit. So when he and V got together, it was so good. You got a glimpse of why Logan was one of her best friends before all of this, and why Lilly kept coming back to him.
But to be betrayed by Veronica... I was disappointed that she didn't come out and say "Logan what was the deal with the creepy cameras? and why didn't you tell me that you saw Lilly that day she was killed?" She would have resolved her issues with him quickly and figured out that itwas Haaron much sooner. and then LoVe would still be together.
Duncan - he's a bit weird. I havent' really seen redeeming value in him other than V loved(s?) him.
When he couldnt find Haaron at the party he shoudl have known something was wrong. Why didn't he come for her right then? Why did it have to wait until Keith got worried and chased her down? This is the girl he claims to have been in love with during this whole awful year (when he also stood by while people treated her like shit). He is the most selfish lover I've seen in a long time. I get that he has issues and he's immature, but that doesnt make me want to see him and V together again. ugh.
lianne. theif!!! bitch!!! how could she walk out of rehab like that? did she not notice that V spent every dime she had for college on trying to get her clean? one thing that may redeem Lianne slightly is that she thought V could get money from the Kanes, so when she stole the $50G at the end, she didn't think she was leaving them with nothing again. But let's bear in mind - the only reason V could have gotten money from the Kanes is because Lianne was being a total whore and cheating on Keith with Jake.
Yay to Keith for getting the paternity test done and ending eveyone's misery.
Speaking of the Kanes - how much do they suck for assuming Duncan killed Lilly? It was a bit much to see Jake go after Haaron when he realized he was the murderer. It's like "DUDE! if you hadn't LIED about it for the past year, it all would have come out much earlier!"
Officer Fuckface is still a fuck face - he displays no loyalty to ANYONE. unreal.
Logan - poor logan. he's so hurt.
I wonder what Weevil found in Lilly's pen.
BTW, if anyone didn't understand, that was Haaron hiding in the closet. He either picked it up from the tapes o Logan and V from last week or figured it out when the cops said to check Logan's vents, but he was in there checking, which is why V found one of the screws loose already.
So - was Weevil there to kill Logan, or to save him?
And what is our mystery for next year? RT said that something that happened last night will be our mystery next year, we just don't know it's a mystery yet.
Does Logan disappear? Is Lianne dead?
Side point - happy Alicia and Keith are together. Good to see him smiling.
I was kind of numb while i was watching he show last night, but after, i couldnt sleep. Haaron LAUGHED when he flicked the lighter at the gas. He wanted V to die. And he really beat the crap out of Keith.
Did Haaron actually think he could get away with it? Did he think he would kill V and Keith and Duncan? and that NOONE would wonder why? Duncan's kinda dumb, but woulnd't he have told someone else by the time Haaron got there to kill him?
I hope Celeste also gets arrested. And Weidman.
Last night was the first time i notices the abel/kane thing. i'm slow.
also, does abel koontz get an obstruction of justice charge for falsely copping to lilly's murder?
1. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Wed 11 May 2005, 11:39 am