as opposed to what you may have heard elsewhere, 5,000 poeple were not screwed up the mistake. many of the people who would otherwise use the printed guide instead subscribe to the daily email service (I can tell you because i set it up, so i have access to the numbers. booya). also, the OU sent out a corrected version to OU Shuls immediately. regaridng the halacha of it, in case anyone missed it, it's posted on the site that people shoud continue counting without a bracha. and last, but not least, when the mistake was discovered, they opted to send out the Pesach Food Guides anyhow, because to re-print them would mean they wouldn't arrive at people's homes until after Pesach.
so yes, it's ok to write in and be annoyed; no, it's not okay to write in and demand personal phone calls with apologies because your wife is upset. also not okay to reach me and yell at me about it and then hang up - do you really think the lowly webstaff-er you reach on the phone typesets, edits, proofs, and prints these things? what can i do besides apologize a lot for a mistake i didn't make?
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