Tuesday, January 25, 2005

why the hell not

1. what time is it? 11:28 AM

2.What name appears on your birth certificate? Daniela L

3.Nick name? Dani

4. piercing? 2 in each ear at the lobe, one on the top of my left ear, would have been one in my nose if avraham hadn't stopped me last week 

5.what is the most recent movie you have seen in the theater? Finding Neverland

6.eye color? Blue

7. Place of birth? PA 

8. favorite food? Pizza

9. Ever been to Africa ? Does Israel count?

10. Ever been toilet papering? yes

11. Love someone so much it made you cry? no - it makes me laugh 

12. Been in a car accident ? suck - yes 

13. Croutons or bacon bits? depends on the kind of croutons i'm being offered

14. favorite day of the week? sunday

15. Favorite Restaurants?  Burger Bar

16. Favorite Tree? Myrtle

17.  Favorite sport to watch? figure skating

18. Favorite alcoholic drink? kamikaze if well mixed, otherwise light white wine

19. Favorite ice cream? Strawberry

20. Disney or Warner Bros.? neither - DC

21. Favorite fast food? again depends on the quality of the place

22. color is your bedroom carpet? white with green squares

23. before this one...who did you get your last email from ? Rabbi i work with

24. what do you do most often when you are bored? bite my nails

25. Bedtime? when i pass out on the couch

26. Favorite TV show? Las Vegas/Nanny 911/Veronica Mars/24

27. Last person you went out to Dinner with? Avs, in zurich

28. Ford or Chevy? Ford f-150

29. what are you listening to now?  the sound of myself masticating lettuce 

30. what is your favorite color? blue

31. Lake, Ocean, or river ? lake

32. How many tattoos do you have ? none due to halachic issues 

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Tue 25 Jan 2005, 4:52 pm
    Burger Bar ??????
