Sunday, January 30, 2005

teach your children well

long talk this week with Rabbi Blau and Avs about the issues that crop up whil in israel, primarily the abuse and crossing of lines.  the extent to which women are taught to accept what Rabbis and authoritative figures do and say boggles my mind.

there are also harmful behaviors and attitudes that are taught as a "frum" norm.  things like "girls are stupid and boys are scum".  shocking, really, when you consider taht this is the message being fed to people who then need to walk out and date, and trust a member of the opposite sex.

how do teachers and parents expect young couples to be able to relate if they're being taught for years not to trust each other or themselves?  how do you expect a young wife to keep from cringing in disgust when her husband kisses her?

and the people who propogate this message are revered and respected, invited to speak all over the world to impressionable young people who are trying to learn the right way to behave.

which is only the beggining of the tirade i would like to release, but i will stop before i truly cross the line into out and out lashon hara.  yes, i know some of you will make the case that because this is waring people away from something harmful it is not lashon hara, however this is not the forum to do that.

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'torahumaddachic' posted on the Tue 1 Feb 2005, 12:07 am
    right on. this is a very disturbing phenomeon.
