Sunday, March 28, 2004


"Love a girl who holds the world in a paper cup
Drink it up, love her and she'll bring you luck
If ya find she helps your mind, better take her home
Oh dontcha live alone, try to earn what lovers own

Even though we ain't got money
I'm so in love with ya honey
Everything will bring a chain of love
In the mornin' when I rise
Bring a tear of joy to my eyes
And tell me everything's gonna be all right"

if you can't tell - avraham may only be working part-time next year.  in which case we can only have a multitude of people over for shabbat once a month, i'd guess.  : )

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Sun 28 Mar 2004, 11:34 pm
    don't worry.
    we can switch off feeding each other - after all you know what they say - the miserly love company
