Monday, March 22, 2004

emptying brain onto blog

first of all, funniest email i've received yet at the OU was this girl trying to determine if hemp seeds are Kosher for Pesach.

second, i'm getting married in 12 weeks, and it seems so far away.  i'm so impatient and jittery...

third, more fun with sociology:
i'm doing HW now about hwo to conduct studies and how to determine what the conceptualization process was behind a study we were presented with.  it's cool and all, but i find that i can no longer use english to express myself.  weird.

nice engagemant party last night for bayla and JJ.  if you weren't there, you should have been.  mmm...  i'm hungry just remembering what we ate.

it occurred to me as i struggled to sleep last night that i will be giving brachot to my friends at the wedding, and i shoud sit down and think about what i want to say to each.  mission of th next few weeks is to get that all thought out.

k, back to HW.  btw - avraham is totally the cutest person ever.  well, right after me.  *grin*

also, if someone can explain to me what this trackback thing is...  ??

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