Sunday, November 30, 2003

kiss me

a one minute kiss burns 26 calories

a person spends about 2 weeks of his or her life kissing

a person spends about 2 weeks of his or her life waiting for traffic lights to change.  puts things in perspective, huh?  i would have thought kissing merited more time than waiting for the light to change.  sad.  i think maybe i'll be a kissing advocate.  "fair time for kissing!"  stupid traffic lights

does that count just waiting while driving, or passengering too?

and i want to know if that counts when walking, too

if i were going to make the numbers up, it'd be that you spend 2 weeks on traffic lights, and 2 years on kissing.  (that's a lot of kissing)  and a one-minute kiss would burn 100 calories. not a puny 26.  kissing is nicer than waiting for traffic lights.  (that's a lot of kissing).  unless you kiss as you wait...  then you can wait and get a workout all at the same time


  1. 1. Dani Weiss left...
    Monday, 1 December 2003 4:45 am
    this may just get the award for most inappropriate post on my blog. ah, back stories... they always rock

  2. 2. a reader left...
    Monday, 1 December 2003 4:00 pm
    What are you talking about... INAPROPRIATE??? If you want inaproptiate, I'll show you inapropriate!!!
    On second thought, I'd better not...
