Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have spoken in anger.
I have wished ill on others.
I have been angry, infuriated even, over things beyond my control, and spoken out in that rage.

I knew it was wrong, but everyone was doing it...

As if that's an excuse?
I expect more from myself. I expect more from my children. I tell my kids that speaking out or acting out in anger is even worse than doing the same thing at any other time, because you're letting your anger take you over.

I will curb my language, my imagery, and even my thoughts. I will not waste time listening to anyone who speaks in anger, I will not catch myself nodding my head in agreement to a hate-filled rant against the other side - no matter who that other side is.

Life is not a game, and we need to stop treating it that way.

If a kid in public school had said the things our politicians and talking heads have been saying... if they had made images like the images that have been circulating, but with their fellow students' faces, homes, or names on them, there would have been an intervention. There would have been a suspension, a thorough evaluation of that student's motivations and psychological soundness. There would have been a concerned group of adults interceding to make sure that no one be harmed, that the student calm down.

If we know enough to not allow this behavior in our public schools, how can we allow it in our public offices?

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