Wednesday, November 7, 2007

First of All

My poor poor Avs.  On the way to work yesterday on the LIE he was rear-ended - just a bump, nothing major.   We decided that the car was fine and he could drive home in it.

So drive home he did.  Unfortunately, he was two cars behind some ass of a fool who STOPPED in the left lane to look at an accident.  Then he drove off, missing the fact that the woman behind him had slammed on her brakes and swerved, causing Avs to slam on his brakes.  He grazed her car, then was slammed into it by the guy behind him who couldn't brake in time.

Our car is gone.  My husband is home as of 8 hours ago or so,  which was a solid 8 hours after the whole thing happened.  We have no car.  We have no idea what insurance is going to decide to do because the ass who caused the accident DROVE AWAY.  We were up til 2, when we finally collapsed into bed (after many phone calls to Allstate).

And we need to simply thank all the people who jumped in and helped us out!  Thank you Morah Joan for driving out to exit 49 to get Avraham and drive him to Far Rockaway.  Thank you Stacie and Cheryl for calling and offering your services in any and every way possible - we didn't need to take you up on it, but knowing that you're there for us was amazingly helpful.  Thank you Hadar and Naomi who drove out to Far Rockaway and brought Avs back home to me.  Thank you Eddie and Orly who came, *after* Orly had put in a full day of work and then taught shiur, so I wouldn't have to sit and wait for Avraham alone.  Thank you Ima Bronstein, Sara, Akiva, Ima and Abba Weiss, and uncle Barry for the advice, perspective, and general just being-there.

Thank you God for delivering my husband back home to me in one piece. 

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Fri 9 Nov 2007, 2:00 am
    Holy. Shit.
    Sending big hugs your way, to all. I'll try to get in touch before Shabbat.
