Wednesday, June 7, 2006


listen to your heart when he's calling for you.
listen to your heart - there's nothing else you can do.
i don't know where you're going, and i don't know why -
Listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.

da da da da da da da da

d d d d d d d

I want to go to a concert!!!

although, the David Broza concert was AWESOME - long version or short version?

ok, long version:

we met hadar and marisa at makor for dinner, where the concert was going to be.  as hadar came down the stairs (we were all looking at the legs coming down the stairs, and all the rest of the legs we'd seen were too short),  david broza went up them.  hadar walks over to the table and we're all like "that was him!"  and he says "i know.  be right back"

and hadar jogs back up the stairs.  comes back down a minute later with david broza in tow.  they head over to our table, we all say hi.  hadar points me out as his sister Daniela who LOVES his song Daniela.  he smiles.  they sit down, and we start to talk about his music.  marisa and hadar tell him they love one of his realy old songs, and ask if he can perform it.  he says that it's so old, he forgot the lyrics.  so hadar pulls out his ipod and hands it over so DB can write down the lyrics.  which he does, and the moment was just too cool - eating dinner with David Broza at the table, he's listening to hadar's ipod, and i'm in complete heaven.

the rumor is (and this is unsubstantiated) that he winked at me while performing Daniela.  he is too cool.

god, i just love concerts.

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