Thursday, April 27, 2006

in other news

In my inbox today:

Schedule for Modern Orthodoxy Conference In Scranton PA - June 13-15, 2006

June 13th 2006 Tuesday 10 AM Opening – Greetings
Alan Brill – Greetings and Vision of conference

10:30- 12:00
Religion of the post-War era
David Watt – Orthodox Jews in Protestant America: Modernity and Supersessionism
Kurt Anders Richardson - 'Beyond Modernism: Realist Orientations in the Neo-Orthodox Theologies of 20th Century Protestantism and Judaism'

Early lunch and check in

2:00- 2:55
Alan Brill – Varieties of Modern Orthodoxy
Marc Shapiro- response to Brill

3:00 – 4:30 Modern Orthodoxy and Philosophy
Avinoam Rosenak – Halahah and Meta-Halakhah in the writing of R. Eliezer Berkovits.
Hanoch ben Pazi-  The Internalization of Psychoanalytic Theory in Orthodox Thought

Coffee 4:30-4:45

Daniel Statman- "The Status of Morality in Modern Orthodox Thought."
Zach Braiterman-Berkovits' critique of Philosophy and Liberal Judaism

6:30-7:30 Supper

7:45 – 9:00 Popular Modern Orthodoxy and the study of history
Kimmy Caplan- "From a Bird's-eye View": Importing Rabbi Dr. Auerbach's (Oyerbakh)Orthodox Historiography to America.
Steven Fine – Modern Orthodoxy and the study of Classical Jewish History


June 14th Wednesday
9:30- 11:15
Jonathan Sarna- The break between Conservative and Orthodox in America
Two respondents: - Marc Shapiro and Benny Brown

11:30 – 2:00 pm
Religious Zionism in America
Yehudah Mirsky- The world of S. K. Mirsky, Religious Zionist
Moshe Sokolow- The educational Philosophy of Hirschenson and religious Zionism
Shai Held – The Modernity of Shimon Federbush
Larry Kaplan- What is Judaism? The introductions of Eliezer Berkovits, Isadore Epstein, and Aron Barth


3:45 pm – 6:00 pm
Modern Orthodoxy in Israel

Benjamin Brown- "Three 20th Century Jewish Political Theologies: Torah State, Halakhic Democracy and Da'at Torah".
Arye Edrei- The Halakhic thought of R. Shlomo Goren
Ariel Pickard "Rabbi Ovadya Yosef, from Jerusalem to Cairo and back - Sociology and Halakhic policy."

6:15- 8pm Supper


June 15th Thursday

9:15- 10:45
Miri Freud-Kandel- Anglo-Jewish Orthodoxy in Transition: 1960-1970
Alan Yuter- The halakhic approach of Rabbi Emmanuel Rackman
Respondent – David Singer

11:00- 1:00
David Landes- The Birth of the Modern Orthodox Clinic: Modernity and Medicine
Adam Ferziger- "Modern Orthodoxy and the Soviet Jewry Movement"
Josh Teplitsky –Modern Orthodoxy and the Vietnam War

Panel and Roundtable
wrap up and prospectus for the future work.

2:15 pm lunch


and then on the JCC website:

A Conference on the Emergence of Modern Orthodoxy, 1935–1975

Some of the most important scholars of modern Jewish history will be gathering for a three day conference (June 13–15) at the University of Scranton to explore the major influences on the emergence of Modern Orthodoxy. Edah and the JCC are pleased to present a half day sampler of the Scranton Conference. A plenary session on “The Struggle over a Jewish State in the Land of Israel” will feature Dr. Adam Ferziger, Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Brown and Rabbi Dr. Yehudah Mirsky; and one on “The Attitude Towards Rabbinic Authority” will include Dr. Chaim Waxman, Dr. Marc Shapiro and Dr. Avinoam Rozenack. Leading breakout sessions will be Dr. Alan Brill, Rabbi Dr. Adam Ferziger, and Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Brown. For further information, check out

Sun, Jun 18
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

$20.00 - Member
$25.00 - Non-Member

Location: The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St. (Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building.)
For more information, or to register, please call 646-505-5708.

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