Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sorry, but this isn't a fun post

Hey.  As some of you may have heard today, my uncle had a heart attack yesterday and is in pretty serious condition.


He's having an operation tomorrow where they're going to attempt to put a new stint in his heart - it's pretty scary and really serious, especially as he has a history of heart problems.


If you're so inclined, it would be very sweet if you could dedicate your learning to him or pray for him - whatever floats your boat - while he's going through it.  His name is Amichai David ben Liba Ahuva.




I'll be blogging again when we get teh internets hooked up to our new (!) apt

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Thu 16 Feb 2006, 2:12 pm
    B'h they get better at putting stents in all of the time. My fiance, he should live and be well, has quite a few of them(!) So I will be thinking of your uncle.
