Monday, December 12, 2005


the john lennon memorial last week was amazing.  it's strange how someone who died when i was a baby can have such an emotional effect on my life.  i went to the dakota, stood there and thought about john, and the world, and how so many people lost him that day.  i thought about yoko and cynthia and his little boys, about his friends, his fellow beatles, his fans.  i thought about what would drive someone to take someone else's life like that, how such a seemingly insignificant act (i held it in my hand, i pulled the little trigger) ends life.

i went to central park, to strawberry fields, and stood with the band and the crowd, and we sang john's songs and remembered him.  i left long before yoko came down - yoko.  whatever you may think of her, on that night i hope she was welcomed as the grieving widow she is.

along with that amazing experience, there was an elton john concert on nbc tonight.  i cry too easily.  at least it's happy tears tonight.

1 comment:

  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Tue 13 Dec 2005, 2:39 pm
    I was in the fifth grade in a Monsey day school when it happened. I knew the Beatles catalog pretty well (and the better-known solo work) and was pretty upset. I had some interesting conversations the morning after with classmates who ran the gamut from empathizing to, er, not.
