Tuesday, February 8, 2005


avs and i play this game where we pretend that we're actually going to sign up to be on a reality TV show.  you know - avs on queer eye, or me on the apprentice.

i got to thinking today about why it is that you don't see more religious Jews on Fear Factor, or the Apprentice, or just about anything else we reality TV junkies watch.

a few thoughts.
one - it would be really annoying for the fear Factor producers to maintain a list of disgusting foods that could be Kosher.  between getting a kosher animal, killing it in a kosher way, and providing proof of its Kashruth = not worth the time.

two - the apprentice.  auditions in New York were this past Friday, any other day I actually would have gone just for kicks.  They eat non-Kosher food, share a kitchen, work on Saturdays, and live in a very non-yichud happy apartment.  plus there's that whole separating from your spouse thing.

three - american idol - whether you're male or female, you're going to run into kol isha problems.  forget the schedule and food issues even...

and then it occurred to me that the Halachic system is really doing an excellent job in this case of keeping observant Jews from being associated with what may go down in history as the most embarrassing and degrading era in Amercan TV history.  reality stars may now be cool(-ish?), but in a year or two they'll only be good for punchlines (much like britney spears).

ok, must run, time to go space out on the train again.


  1. 1. 'A visitor' posted on the Tue 8 Feb 2005, 9:58 pm
    you could have gone on "sof haderech" in the summer. they paired dati and chiloni people and it was a kind of scavenger hunt. it was really funny.

  2. 2. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Tue 8 Feb 2005, 11:04 pm
    right. observant jews in israel can still be horrendously embarrassed...

  3. 3. 'A visitor' posted on the Tue 8 Feb 2005, 11:30 pm
    come on, it was a hit- rabbanim were talking about it in shiur all summer. and watching a fresh nanach baal teshuva paired with a fresh datla"sh getting hold of a live goat and bringing it to a tel aviv cafe was priceless.

  4. 4. 'A visitor' posted on the Wed 9 Feb 2005, 10:41 am
    For better or worse, I have never seen any of these shows, but on a tangentially related point, I thought you'd appreciate this story: http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=musicNews&storyID=7574069

  5. 5. 'Jessica' posted on the Wed 9 Feb 2005, 12:37 pm
    Speaking of stories you might appreciate:

  6. 6. 'A visitor' posted on the Wed 9 Feb 2005, 1:05 pm
    If they could do a kosher, shomer shabbat "Amazing Race", now THAT would be really cool!

  7. 7. 'Dani Weiss' posted on the Wed 9 Feb 2005, 1:16 pm
    sorry, jess, that's old news.
    israeli reality TV. if that's not vomit inducing, i dont kow what is.
    david - contact them and ask if they could do that for a season. they might like the added diversity.
