i guess yesterday accounts for that. here's what my chag was like:
erev chag, i was running errands all day, and with my savti in from israel, a lot of them included her. cool beans, we like savti, although her english and her deafness are kinda funny sometimes in public. or maybe i should say her rampant use of hebrew. whatever. so we ended up at the mall to make returns which means, of course, that i went shopping. bought the most beautiful i have ever owned. i'm in love with it. i'm taling marriage proposals here. so, friday night i went to my sister's house in my new long flouncy black velvet sexy skirt and my new heels which make me a drop taller than my abba, so we're talking almost 4" wedge paltforms.
so we all washed, sat down, made kiddush (see, it's genetic). then we had soup. it was good, and my uncle barry declared it perfect. then gregg asked for the salt, and barry made a whole fuss. hee hee. so i made a fuss, cause i like to have uncle barry's approval. lol. ok, really cause we like to pretend that we're hard asses about weird stuff. so i'm like "gregg, come on! what's wrong wih you? salt? you don't need salt. nobody pass the salt to gregg". so he grabs it, and sticks his tongue out at barry. in the little break afforded me, i taste the soup. you know what's coming "gregg, pass the salt! barry, what's wrong with you?!"
k, more food, more funny... then grandma choked on turkey. barry was in the kitchen getting more soup, and we all freaked. grandma was really calm at first, and jan (who's a nurse) told her to cough it out, but she couldn't. when *anythign* happens, we all scream for barry, so we're yelling "barrry, get in here!!!" meanwhile, jan jumps up and gives granmda the heimlich, bt nothiong's dong. then andy starts to look queasy, and i got nervous, so i ran into the kithcen and yelled at barry "go to the dining room! grandma's choking!" i grabbed the soup from hm, and he ran in. jan kept repeating the heimlich, and finally grandma coughed the food out... in time for jan to grab andy's feet and put them up on grandma. andy was out. barry looks at me and goes "now where's that soup?"
anyhow - turns out there's the actual disorder that when you get nervous or nauseous, you pass out. i definitely have the nervous bit... swapping stories of when and where and how we passed out... and this was a calm night for us. til hadar decided to pull out the schnapps for a shana tova l'chaim. : ) let me just say that chocolate liquor was made to be poured over yellow cake, *and* that my tolerance is much lower than it used to be. whoops.
anyhow, fast forward - next day in shul, same skirt, 4" stilletoes.
yay shoes! Mrs. Fink came over and said "i love your skirt". yes! someone who understands me! i giggled, like a little girl, and said thanks! and would have skipped away, but i was wearing stilletos...
fast forward to the next day. just a side note - barry asked me to show him the stilletoes on my feet, and so i put them on, but then he was reading to the kids, and finally after 20 minutes, i was like "um, barry, why am i wearing these?" yeah, he's weird. *grin*
tashlich (it's the most wonderful time of the year)
i went with sara, aliza, koby, benny, abby, emily, penina, fuli, and the entire scranton community. we were running from the house (and smartness here had changed out of her heels and into punk sneakers with rainbows on the bottom. rainbows!).
ever have to take a kid in a jogger down a steep hill? let me tell you - you don't have to walk, just pick up your feet as you go. so we got to shul in record time, walked down and through the university, down the expressway, and to the river. fun. soehow it took us lke 15 minutes to get there and about half an hour or more to get home. the wonder of living in mountains. heehe. and it really is uphill both ways, if you go the right way. craaaaaaazy
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