Wednesday, July 2, 2003

hakarat hatov

while i'm going through the amazing people i've had the good fortune to live with, i want to be sure to thank these people right now so they know how important they are to me (yet another take a moment day) (and no, i'm not suicidal)

first of all, my first roommate ever, hadar.
the glow-in-the-dark ET stickers that terrified me so much that abba had to come in and kneel by my head until i fell asleep.
convincing me to eat paper napkins til i threw them all up one night.
the good night stories - batman and superman.
moving down the hall from you, and sneaking in those late night games of casino and gin.

and then sara.
chapman's lake, the night that there was that electric storm with the heat lightning, and i was so scared, and you let me climb into bed with you.
you gave me the only thing you'd ever won in a contest.
you taught me how to put on makeup, and i trusted you to put the mascara on me, too. (guys have no idea what a tremendous thing that is to be abel to say)
teaching me how to dress in 6th grade, starting me on that big jump from little girl to teenager.

miiko. my crazy crazy girl.
pieces of Torah flew out of your mouth as naturally as song comes out of mine.
you always had room in your bed for someone who needed to cry, or laugh, or just lie there and talk and talk...
"are you normal?"
sleeping on your stomach and laughing at tzip and me
bringing everything within my reach, showing me i could go anywhere, do anything
making my bed "just because".
ooh, i miss you!

speaking of tzippy:
without you i don't know who i would be today
you know my most inner thoughts.
exploring yerushalayim together
shabbat afternoons, pillows on the floor... challah and chumus
my partner in every class, reading and sharing ramblings
and stern. who could forget stern?
you believe in me more than i could ever believe in myself

SCR. hehe. (SCRP)
reliving (the good parts of) high school
singing in the stariwells
dress-up! nice makeup...
taking me seriously when i didn't know how, and knowing when to laugh and make it all better
pulling me through freshman year
bla bla "quotes" bla

i've been very lucky with you all. thank you so much. i love you and i miss you.
some i saw as recently as this morning, some i haven't seen in 3 years. you're all equally in my thoughts, every day.

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