Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011


I got  a letter in the mail today that said that I had not completed the 48 credits in the past x semesters I needed to be enrolled in school. I looked at the letter, counted up my credits again, and then panicked again. I called the school - turns out, even though they've been sending me graduation materials for months now, when a teacher gives you an incomplete, they tell you that you haven't qualified. As soon as the report is in and the grade is submitted, I'm clear.

Goddammit, you'd think they'd be more careful about that.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Things I'd Buy

By things, I pretty much mean clothes. Here we go!
This would come in handy just about every Shabbat
Hello! A shaped sweatshirt so I don't look like the blob!?
This would dress up most long sleeve shirts
Okay, I'm going to take a quick break. My HTML skills are super rusty, and I'm very tired. Anyhow, enjoy the linked sites and the clothes made for us bigger yet still curvy women. Thank God someone is designing clothes for over a size 12 with a defined waist!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Poor neglected blog

Now that school is over, I will hopefully get back into the writing regularly groove.

In the meantime, I really want to share this video. It's worth a watch and a share with your loved ones: