3 kids, 3 college classes. A lot to juggle.
Doing school online means that it's all reading and writing, then reading and writing some more. In a way, it's far more intensive than regular college, and it takes a lot more discipline. There's no roommate headed to class, there's no study group down the hall, there's no teacher standing there twice a week in front of you. Instead, there's a group of boisterous children and one amazing husband who is willing to shoulder dinner-, bath-, and bedtime by himself so that I can work. And that can entail a few hours of cajoling the littlest one who is teething and cranky at times.
School is going well so far. We're 2 weeks in, the teachers seem to like what I have to say, and there is a blessed end in sight. I'm enjoying the course work, and am lucky enough to have friends willing to help me edit when I can't seem to find the headspace to do it.
Dudes - it takes a village, but Dani is going to graduate : )