Wednesday, April 30, 2008

In other news

We are stupid.

We bought a barbecued chicken at Brach's erev last days.  We got home very late and forgot to put it in the fridge, and sadly had to throw it out.  So we made some chicken of our own.  Apparently the oven was not fully heated before the chicken went in, because it came out mostly raw.  We found this out when we sat down to eat.  Avraham had deli for dinner and I had cheese, tomatoes, and cole slaw.  On matza.  It was quite good.  Motzei Shabbat aka the last night of Chag we wanted to make pancakes.  There were 3 potential problems: we didn't have the ingredients for pancakes; we forgot to turn on the burners; and paranthetically to the burners, we forgot to leave on lights in the kitchen.

Thank god the yahrzeit candle decided to last through the end of Shabbat.   We reserved the bottom of our kugel, which had a potato starch-esque feel to it.  I explained to Avraham how to light a gas oven on Chag.  he lit three burners (the better to cook with).  We crushed a matza for texture, then crumbles the kugel bottom along with a particularly dry and flavorless sponge cake.  Then I added 8 eggs, some cottage cheese, and some honey.  Avraham fried them in the dark.  They were delicious.  I kid you not.

The next day we made Matza  pizza fry.  It was gross at first - we forgot how unseasoned everything is on Pesach, and never tasted the tomato sauce before we made the food.  Luckily we had a lot of seasoning with us.  Eggs, butter, matza, and  cheese.  Hullo Pesach.  And goodbye!  Til next year, and better planning.

Oh shit

I walked into our room today in response to Fred freaking out and found her lying on the floor, very neatly placed in the middle of some clothes.  I yelled to Avs 'Why did you put the baby on the floor?"  He said "What are you talking about?"  I said "Oh, shit."

She scooched backwards (on her back) down between two pillows, around the other stuff we cleverly placed between her and the edge, off the side of the bed, and a few feet on the floor before she started crying.  Ayiyi.