Wednesday, January 31, 2007

it's the little things

one of the best things about being a parent today is knowing that you can provide your child with healthy food choices.  I don't just mean fruits, vegetables, and howle grains, all of which are a must, but tha fact that kosher organic food is so readily accessible.

gus eats organic baby food (fruit, veggies, and 'dinners'), organic whole grain cereal, organic yogurt, and when she needs a bottle, organic formula.  all of which bears an OU.  it's a relief to know that she's not consuming pesticides or hormones that can often be found on non-organic food.

i've switched to organic milk (non-organic milk has a lot of hormones in it), and i'm ttring to eat more healthfuly.  we shall see...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

she sits

gusness sits.  as of the 18th.  she's so clever.  someone sat her up, and she held it - i was all "dude, we never practiced that..."

Thursday, January 18, 2007

it seems

that i no longer sleep.  not that i don't get tired - i do.  i wear out.  but i do'nt get sleepy anymore, so no matte how long i lie down in bed, i'm just wide awake and semi-tortured.  every minute detail of anything that has to get accomplished spins in my head.  i plan out the lists i'll write, whether they'll be on the same paper or separate papers, the categories i'll sort the lists by...  i recite the page numbers in the texts i have to read for school, think about the written assignments that have to get done.  then i watch avraham sleep and wish i could also knock out.  thenk God gus sleeps through the night.

it's 4:40 am.  i've been up since 8 am yesterday and may be up straight through til after dinner tonight.  will that mean i can sleep?  i wonder.

time to do a crossword

Friday, January 12, 2007

and then i teared up

there was a sign on the cross island that you have to use hands free phones while driving

i mentioned to avraham that mythbusters tested it and found hands free to be no safer.

i then pointed out that as a good driver avraham wasn't really listening to me right then, either (also, i babble, so it helps to tune me out), because he needed to pay attention to the road, when the car in front of front of us hit his brakes and we were still hurtling towards it, and avraham was stamping the brake as hard as he could and we weren't stopping and we were bracing for a hit and thinking all those thoughts you think when you're about to crash (with your baby in the back seat!) - and the car screeched to a stop.  the car behind was also able to brake, and we're fine, but seriously by the grace of God, and we were 2 seconds away from a 40 mph collision and glass flying and engine breaking and cops and fire and hospitals.  It sunk in very hard about 20 seconds later...

Tuesday, January 2, 2007



if you are a fan of the gus-ness and want to see pictures of her regularly, email me and i'll send you the album link.

and if you don't already watch it, please consider watching mythbusters obsessively