Saturday, December 30, 2006

so big

gus grows so fast.  she rolled over on dec. 26 (a little late, maybe, but it was from tummy to back which i've heard is harder)


 she is little miss awesome and we have so much fun with her that we've both forgotten to blog like we meant to.  ah, busy-ness.

in other fun news, my back is not functional after a hellish being stuck on the FDR monday night.  i demand chocolate. 

Sunday, December 10, 2006

how could i forget?

 and i got a new pi'hoenay:

enough with the holiday spirit

out shopping today (gus needed a new car seat, other stuff, Avraham needed things as well).  all of New Jersey was closed.  explain?

 anyhow, in yonkers/scarsdale (can't tell the difference) someone in the best buy parking lot backed into our car.  avraham had just parked and gone in, i stayed with gus to hang out and let her eat.  once i knew she was ok, i jumped out and checked our car (heart pounding still from that wonderful feeling of 'oh, shit, my car's hitting the car in front of me and i know it's not on').  the car was fine, just a mark from the other car's paint.  point?  the other driver didn't even come over to check if we were okay!  he freaking BACKED into my CAR with my BABY inside of it!  schmuck - i hope your tree burns down and takes out all your gifts with it.  and you know that s/he is just the kind of person who would read this and shake his or her head and murmur "that's just not right, who would back into a car with a baby inside it and walk away?"  YOU, SCHMUCKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Avraham suggested we take the air out of the guy's tires -  i was going to leave a note explaining the proper ettiquette (you know, stop, ask if we're okay, apologize for scaring the kid), but as i wasn't 100% on which car it was (otherwise there'd be a license plate number posted here), i let it go.  i mean, if i left it on the wrong car, could you imagine reading that you hit a aprked car with a baby inside it?  how awful would you feel if you thought you had hit someone and NOT noticed?  so, the potentially bad were let off the hook for the good of the normal people.

happy fucking holidays, yeh?

Saturday, December 9, 2006

we won the lottery!

it was only a matter of time -

a whole $2.00!  We just have to do it 500,000 more times, and we can retire!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

pictures for the common good

Gus gives the one finger salute 
Defeated by a mix of carrots and oatmeal 
Hanging out with Nurse J 

Monday, December 4, 2006

my genius daughter

she's too awesome.  she took a botle 3 times today, ate a TON of oatmeal and carrots, and tasted green beans for the first time (and very kindly swallowed everything i put in her mouth).  then she put herself to sleep.

and she's sleeping like an angel in her new crib - the mattress does wonders for her.  i want one in my size...

also, does anyone out there want to come over and fix my back?  anyone?  anyone at all?  how about nurse my baby for me so she can keep having breastmilk while i take meds so i can walk?  no takers? damn it all to hell.  child smells like formula and all she wants is the booby.  poor mushers.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

the wonder of it all

lucky me, lucky, lucky me

i was at my parents' for 5 days, and the bed was not so happy for my back.  then i came home, slept in my bed, and was happy.  this weekend we were in the hamptons and i slept in a very hard bed, and as of this morning, i'm back to fully disfunctional back.  can't sit, stand, or lie down without pain, it's hard to walk...  i did a bunch of exercises and ended up taking some codeine (i'm nervous to have vicodin in my system at all of i'm nursing gus-ness).

and speaking of gus, she brilliantly learned to take a bottle today. my good girl!

and random quesiton of the day - what would you do if you found out a co-worker was lying to you about something?

anyhow, i'm kinda watching the history channel's mayflower special, and trying not to move my back.  so that's it for today.  night, all.